ChiLTERN’s Public Advisory Group presents ways to support secondary, primary and nursery students after treatment
Supporting secondary students after treatments – English
Narration: ChiLTERN – Some cancer treatments can cause different levels of hearing loss. We hope to give you a better understanding of the impact for these individuals and some ideas for you to help them.
NARRATOR: Pupils of secondary school age who are dealing with hearing loss will know in which situations they find it difficult to hear. They will have developed coping strategies and will want to be in control of who knows about their medical history. They should be consulted about any management strategies.
NARRATOR: Consider that the individual might not want to be singled out and with that in mind you may need to have them sit at the front of the class or exam hall to hear instructions and check they’ve understood. Be aware that if they zone out or become frustrated in lessons or group work it may be because they are finding background noise overwhelming and exhausting.
NARRATOR: The individual might have a friend who is aware of their needs and can help them feel included. They could encourage the others to speak one at a time and to face the individual during conversations, not covering their mouths and any secrets could be written instead of whispered. Saying “I can’t hear you” gets awkward, but just speaking louder doesn’t solve the problem.
Supporting primary students after treatments – English
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Narration: ChiLTERN – Some cancer treatments can cause different levels of hearing loss. We hope to give you a better understanding of the impact of these on children and some ideas for you to help them.
ANIMATION: We see a classroom. Teacher handing out test papers.
NARRATOR: When encountering children of primary school age who are dealing with hearing loss you will need to be aware of the typical situations they might struggle in.
ANIMATION: as teacher walks back and forth her voice distorts and teacher says “Now please spell, Ring, Sing, King and Thing”
ChiLTERN child is struggling. We see her paper as she writes ‘thing’ crosses out then writes ‘king’. The classroom fills with water (sound effect of the teacher’s voice being underwater). So all the child can clearly hear is the murmur + ‘ing’ sound.
NARRATOR: Make sure that the child knows that it’s OK to ask for things to be repeated if they didn’t hear properly. Just speaking louder does not solve the problem
ANIMATION: The teacher looks at her and sees her struggle. With a flexible cartoony arm she pulls the student into the first row, the water goes down with a swirl like in a bath. Close up of teacher saying ‘Thing’
ANIMATION: Background fades into a noisy bus.
NARRATOR: Some other problem situations that you should be aware of are; Playgrounds & sports pitches, hearing instructions in a noisy classroom or hall and when third party providers are taking clubs or lessons like swimming.
ANIMATION: Teacher is in the front of the bus telling the schedule of the day trip, her voice is like Charlie Brown’s teacher. We also hear bus noises. With a camera pan we show the distance between teacher and ChiLTERN child. Close up of her shows her confused and a bit lost.
NARRATOR: A ‘listening buddy’ that the child has chosen could help in this situation. Try not to separate the two when creating groups or for pairwork. If a buddy is not an option make sure that the child is near the front and can see the teacher.
ANIMATION: Slight zoom out and we see ‘Listening buddy’ (can also have a scribble with an arrow naming her as listening buddy). She is talking directly to ChilTERN child face-to face who nods happily as she hears it now clearly. (Note: Make sure Listening Buddy’s mouth is always visible and that teacher gives enough time for ‘interpretation’)
NARRATOR: Primary school children will have started to come up with coping strategies, which can include being confrontational or socially isolating themselves
Be considerate of the child and try not to make them feel singled out, but also pay attention if they are lacking in confidence or slow to start tasks because they might not have heard the instructions properly
Supporting nursery children after treatments – English
Narration: ChiLTERN – Some cancer treatments can cause different levels of hearing loss. We hope to give you a better understanding of the impact of these on children and some ideas for you to help them.
ANIMATION: We see the nursery setting. Kids are spread around the room.
NARRATION: The effects of hearing loss can result in delayed development of communication skills, problems with learning and behavioural difficulties.
TEACHER: Right children time to sit on the mat.
ANIMATION: Children start to sit in a circle around the teacher. ChiLTERN Child is still at a box of toys
NARRATION: Children may not hear constants and will find instructions easier if they can see your lips. Just speaking louder doesn’t help.
ANIMATION: ‘d’ ‘t’ ‘k’ ‘s’ ‘th’ & ‘f’.
TEACHER: Can you sit on the mat?
ANIMATION: Teacher goes over to the child so they can see lips for instruction. She crouches down to be on the same level as the child.
NARRATION: They won’t always know how to help themselves or in what situations they find it difficult to hear, like a room with lots of background noise.
ANIMATION: Background fades into the kids in a noisy play area. The teacher standing next to a slide is giving instructions about how to use the slide safely. She is explaining something turning back from her shoulder, but we can’t hear her voice well.
NARRATION: An outside playground with lots of other noisy children
Or when you are talking with your back to them.
You can help by bending down and repeating the instructions in their line of sight to check they have understood and creating an environment where it is normal for you to do this.
ANIMATION: the other teacher’s hand appears on ChiLTERN child’s shoulder. He turns to her as she talks.
TEACHER 2: When you get to the top of the slide make sure you sit down.
Supporting nursery children after treatments – Dutch
VERTELLING ChiLTERN – Sommige kankerbehandelingen kunnen verschillende niveaus van gehoorverlies veroorzaken. We hopen u een beter inzicht te geven in de impact hiervan op kinderen en we willen u ook enkele ideeën geven om hen te helpen.
ANIMATIE: We zien de kinderkamer. De kinderen zijn verspreid over de kamer.
VERTELLING: De effecten van gehoorverlies kunnen leiden tot een vertraagde ontwikkeling van communicatieve vaardigheden, problemen met leer- en gedragsmoeilijkheden.
LERARES: Kinderen, het is tijd om op de mat te gaan zitten.
ANIMATIE: De kinderen gaan in een cirkel rond de lerares zitten. Het ChiLTERN kind staat nog naast een doos met speelgoed.
VERTELLING: ChiLTERN kinderen kunnen moeilijk consonanten horen en zullen instructies gemakkelijker verstaan als ze uw lippen kunnen zien. Gewoon luider spreken helpt niet.
ANIMATIE: ‘d’ ‘t’ ‘k’ ‘s’ ‘th’ & ‘f’.
LERARES: Kun je op de mat gaan zitten?
ANIMATIE: De lerares hurkt voor het kind neer, zodat het kind haar lippen kan zien.
VERTELLING: ChiLTERN Kinderen zullen niet altijd weten hoe ze zichzelf kunnen behelpen of in welke situaties ze het moeilijk vinden om te horen, zoals in een kamer met veel achtergrondgeluid.
ANIMATIE: De achtergrond verdwijnt en de kinderen komen nu in een lawaaierige speelruimte terecht. De lerares, die naast de glijbaan staat, geeft instructies over het veilig gebruik ervan. Ze legt iets uit terwijl ze over haar schouder kijkt, zodoende dat we haar stem niet goed meer horen.
VERTELLING: Een buitenspeeltuin met heel veel andere luidruchtige kinderen.
Of wanneer u met uw rug naar hen toe praat.
U kan hen dan helpen door u voorover te buigen en de instructies in hun gezichtsveld te herhalen, om zeker te zijn dat ze het begrepen hebben en ook door een omgeving te creëren, waarin het normaal is dat u dit doet.
ANIMATIE: (De hand van de andere lerares verschijnt op de schouder van het kind). De andere lerares legt haar hand op de schouder van het kind. Het kind wendt zich tot haar, terwijl zij praat.
LERARES 2: Zorg ervoor dat je gaat zitten als je bovenaan de glijbaan komt.
Supporting nursery children after treatments – French
Narration: ChiLTERN – Certains traitements contre le cancer peuvent entraîner différents niveaux de perte auditive. Nous espérons vous aider à mieux comprendre l’impact que cela a pour ceux concernés et vous offrir quelques suggestions pour les aider. (34w – 13’’)
NARRATION: Un déficit auditif peut causer un retard dans le développement de la communication et affecter l’apprentissage et le comportement.
ENSEIGNANTE: ‘Les enfants, on s’assied tous sur le tapis’.
NARRATION: Les enfants peuvent ne pas entendre les consonnes et comprendront mieux s’ils peuvent voir vos lèvres. Parler plus fort n’est d’aucune aide.
ENSEIGNANTE: ‘Peux-tu t’asseoir sur le tapis’.
NARRATION: Ils ne sauront pas toujours comment se débrouiller et dans quelles situations ils ont du mal à entendre, dans une pièce bruyante, par exemple.
Une aire de jeux à l’extérieur avec beaucoup d’enfants bruyants ;
Ou lorsque vous leur tournez le dos.
Vous pouvez les aider en vous baissant et en répétant les instructions dans leur champ de vision pour vérifier qu’ils ont bien compris et en faisant en sorte que cela devienne habituel / naturel.
ENSEIGNANTE 2: ‘Quand tu arrives en haut du toboggan, il faut s’asseoir’.
Supporting nursery children after treatments – German
ERZÄHLUNG: ChiLTERN- Einige Krebsbehandlungen können Hörverlust in verschiedenen Ausprägungen verursachen. Unser Wunsch ist es ein besseres Verständnis über die entsprechenden Beeinträchtigungen sowie einige Ideen zur Hilfe für betroffene Kinder zu vermitteln.
ERZÄHLUNG: Die Auswirkungen des Hörverlusts können in einer verspäteten Entwicklung der Kommunikativen Fähigkeiten, Lernschwierigkeiten und Verhaltensstörungen zeigen.
LEHRER: Also Kinder, Zeit sich auf die Matte zu setzen.
ERZÄHLUNG: Die Kinder können womöglich keine Konsonanten hören und werden es einfacher finden, Ihre Mundbewegungen zu sehen. Einfach lauter sprechen hilft nicht.
LEHRER: Kannst du dich auf die Matte setzen?
ERZÄHLUNG: ChiLTERN-Kinder werden nicht immer wissen, wie sie sich selbst helfen können oder in welchen Situationen sie es schwierig finden zu hören, wie z.B. in einem Raum mit starken Hintergrundgeräuschen. Ein Spielplatz im Freien mit vielen anderen lauten Kindern.
Oder wenn Sie, den Kindern Ihren Rücken zugewandt, etwas erklären.
Zur Hilfe können Sie sich hinunter beugen und die Anweisungen im Sichtbereich der Kinder wiederholen um zu prüfen, ob diese verstanden wurden. Somit schaffen sie gleichzeitig eine Umgebung in der dies zur Normalität gehört.
LEHRER 2: Wenn du oben auf der Rutsche bist, setze dich hin.
Supporting nursery children after treatments – Italian
Narrazione: ChiLTERN – Alcune cure per il cancro possono portare a diverse forme di perdita dell’udito, alcune lievi altre più gravi. La nostra speranza è di darti una maggiore comprensione dell’impatto di queste cure sui bambini e di fornirti alcune idee per aiutarli.
Narrazione: Gli effetti della perdita dell’udito possono condurre a un tardivo sviluppo delle capacità comunicative, a difficoltà nell’apprendimento e a disturbi comportamentali.
Maestro / Maestra: Ok, bambini, ora ci sediamo sul tappeto.
Narrazione: I bambini potrebbero non sentire le consonanti, ma riescono a udire più facilmente le istruzioni se possono vedere le tue labbra. Parlare semplicemente più forte non aiuta.
Maestra: Puoi sederti sul tappeto?
Narrazione: Non sapranno sempre come cavarsela da soli né in quali situazioni faranno fatica a sentire, come ad esempio una stanza con molti rumori di sottofondo. Un’area giochi con tanti bambini chiassosi…
O parlare dando loro la schiena
Puoi aiutarli chinandoti e ripetendo le istruzioni nel loro campo visivo, per assicurarti che abbiano capito, e creando un ambiente in cui per te è naturale fare questo.
Seconda maestra: Quando arrivi in cima allo scivolo, ricordati di sederti.
Supporting nursery children after treatments – Spanish
NARRACIÓN: ChiLTERN – Algunos tratamientos de cáncer pueden causar diferentes niveles de pérdida auditiva. Esperamos ayudarle a comprender mejor su impacto en niños y proporcionarle algunas ideas para que usted los pueda ayudar.
ANIMACIÓN: Vemos un entorno de guardería. Los niños están dispersos por el aula.
NARRACIÓN: Los efectos de la pérdida auditiva pueden comportar un desarrollo tardío de las habilidades de comunicación, y problemas de aprendizaje y de comportamiento.
MAESTRA: Venga, niños, todos a sentarse en círculo.
ANIMACIÓN: Los niños empiezan a sentarse en círculo alrededor de la maestra. El la Niño
ChiLTERN aún está junto a la caja de los juguetes.
NARRACIÓN: Puede ser que los niños no oigan las consonantes, por lo que les será más fácil seguir las instrucciones si pueden ver sus labios. El hecho sólo de hablar más fuerte no sirve de nada.
ANIMACIÓN: “d” “t” “k” “s” “z” y “f”
MAESTRA: Puedes sentarte en la alfombra?
ANIMACIÓN: La maestra se acerca a la niño para que le pueda ver los labios y seguir sus instrucciones. Se agacha para estar a la misma altura que el/la niño/a.
NARRACIÓN: Los niños no siempre sabrán qué hacer para oír mejor o en qué situaciones les cuesta más oír, como, por ejemplo, en un aula con mucho ruido de fondo.
ANIMACIÓN: Cambia el fondo y se ven los niños en una zona de juegos con ruido. La maestra que está junto a un tobogán está explicando cómo tirarse por el tobogán de forma segura. Está hablando mientas gira la cabeza hacia otro lado, pero no podemos oírla bien.
NARRACIÓN: Parque exterior con muchos niños haciendo ruido.
O cuando usted está hablando dándole la espalda.
Puede ayudarlo agachándose y repitiendo las instrucciones dentro de su campo visual para asegurarse de que lo haya entendido, y creando un espacio en el que sea normal que usted actúe así.