ChilTERN representatives, along with members from the External Advisory Board and the Internal Advisory Board participated in our latest annual Collaborators’ meeting which was held in Munich. The event, held over two days from 3 to 4 April 2019 was attended by more than 30 people from almost all of our project partners. We also had the pleasure of meeting the European Commission Project Officer from Brussels, Dr Ioannis Vouldis who took some time off his busy schedule to join us at this event.
The event took place at Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie, Klinikum der Universität München. The main collaborators’ meeting was held on 3 April 2019 where we heard the latest developments from all main work package leads. Torsten Pietsch, Roland Kappler and Stefano Cairo each delivered a short presentation on their specified subject; some of these presentations were covered at the last SIOPEL meeting held in Hiroshima, in Japan in November 2018. More information about it can be found here.
After the close of the Collaborators’ meeting, we were delighted to join a short tour which was kindly organised by Professor Irene Schmidt, the host of this event. During this very insightful tour, we learnt about the area surrounding Marienplatz, Alter Hof. It was an interesting arrays of buildings where we saw Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall) and the Altes Rathaus (Munich’s Old Town all), located on the east side of Marienplatz, which is the original city hall building dating back to the 14th century. The tour was a perfect end to the Collaborators’ meeting.
The working dinner was held at Hackerhaus restaurant, which is a short walk from the main town. The evening turned out to be an excellent day out in Munich and the dinner provided us with an excellent opportunity to interact with all beneficiaries and associated project partners.
On Wednesday, 4 April 2019, the management meetings for the EAB/IPB took place. The External Advisory Board were updated on the latest progress by all work package leads. A brief introduction was also made on CINECA’s remote data entry system. We were also provided with updates by the Associate Partners from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) and the Japan Children’s Cancer Group (JCCG)
We would like to extend a very warm gratitude go to our colleagues at LMU who worked tirelessly to host and support this event. The meeting would not have been a success without their help and special thanks go out to Rebecca Maxwell and Irene Schmid.
Posted on Thursday 4th July 2019