On Tuesday 8th May 2018, ChiLTERN representatives assembled in beautiful Bologna in order to update all participants on project progress, meet new members and share information with the ChiLTERN network and to understand the PHITT trial practicalities.

Despite some colleagues unable to reach Italy due to strikes across Europe, 29 people made it to the Società Medico Chirurgica, listen to presentations from work package leads and participate in discussions relating to the PHITT trial and the associated sample collection process.

A pleasant ‘working dinner’ followed at the nearby Circolo Bononia. This provided a fantastic opportunity for international colleagues to catch-up on how ChiLTERN is working in their respective country. The photos show academics, researchers, clinicians, surgeons, pathologists, biologists and other professionals involved in ChiLTERN. Representatives were from the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and even Japan!
Management meetings took place on the morning of Tuesday 9th May at the CINECA office in Bologna. The External Advisory Board discussed project progress, work package lead reports, project aims, patient and public involvement and communication activities. The following Internal Project Board meeting went through project management, work package updates and issues as well as information from CINECA on the PHITT remote data entry system (eRDE). Updates were also provided by Associate Partners from the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) and the Japan Children’s Cancer Group (JCCG).

Warm thanks go to colleagues at CINECA for the hard work hosting and supporting the meetings over the two days.
ChiLTERN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 668596.
Through such collaborative work, ChiLTERN will aim to cure more children with liver cancer, expose fewer children to toxic chemotherapy and ensure their surgery is both effective and safe. For more information, contact project manager Rajdhir Dhanda by email at r.dhanda@bham.ac.uk.
Posted on Friday 18th May 2018