Postgraduate workshop a success – by Laura Grimshaw

Eleanor Simmance presenting the TuT Project
Eleanor Simmance presenting the TuT Project


On Friday 18 October, Birmingham Egyptology hosted its first postgraduate workshop. Run by current postgraduate Egyptology students and members of Birmingham Egyptology, the workshop covered five key skill areas. These included conference organisation and chairing, object handling, creating virtual museums and the use of imagery (see Birmingham Egyptology’s Bes: Development of a deity), Birmingham Egyptology’s TUT Project and the processes behind academic publication. The organisers presented the information in an engaging and imaginative manner and many of the skills discussed were demonstrated by those presenting. As attendees, we were also encouraged to develop our own skills through practical group work. While the focus of each session was Egyptological, the skills discussed were relevant to postgraduates studying a wide range a disciplines. Overall, the workshop was informative, helpful and enjoyable – the latter even more so due to the lovely biscuits and refreshments provided!

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