The 11th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium will take place Thursday 2 May 2024, as a hybrid event. The Symposium takes place at the University of Birmingham.
You can secure your free place by visiting our Eventbrite page.
The Symposium aims to highlight the current works in progress in the field of Egyptology.
Submitting an abstract
Our call for papers has closed.
Check out the abstracts and presenter bios for the upcoming Symposium.
The Symposium programme:
9:00 Registration
9:30 Opening Remarks
9:40 Is it a Match? Proposing Profiles for Ancient Egyptian Wooden Funerary Figures by Sam Powell (in-person)
10:10 Ptolemaic statuary and Greco-Egyptian traditions: contributions to the study of creativity and creation processes during the Hellenistic period by Catarina Miranda (Zoom)
10:40 Petrie’s Hoof-prints: Charting the influence of Flinders Petrie on the interpretation of predynastic bovine iconography by Olivia Kirk (in-person)
11:10 Break
11:30 ‘Local & General’: nineteenth-century New Zealand reception of ancient Egypt amongst the public by Reuben Hutchinson-Wong (in-person)
12:00 Out of the Temple: The Appearance of Divine Nursing on New Kingdom Stelae by Cannon Fairbairn (in-person)
12:30 She Smites the Enemy: Political motives for the depiction of Queens in scenes of the ceremonial execution of prisoners during the New Kingdom by Olha Zapletniuk (in-person)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 ‘Dust to Dust’: New Kingdom Mourners and the Ritual of Pouring Dirt over the Head by Valentina Santini (Zoom)
14:30 Lost in Translation. Managing New Kingdom vizierial titles today by Bente Bladsgaard Jensen (in-person)
15:00 Break
15:20 “Where it is called ‘sacal'”: The Use and Transportation of Amber in Egypt’s New Kingdom by Emma Stone (Zoom)
15:50 Orbital treatment in ancient Egyptian anthropogenic mummification: are there geographic patterns? By Lucilla Butler (in-person)
16:20 Poster Session Questions
16:40 Closing Remarks
Additional information