As many of our group will be aware, Tony Leahy, Senior Lecturer in Egyptology, retired last year after some 40 years of service to the University. To honour his achievements, a small ceremony was held at the University on 15th February to present Tony with a festschrift:

‘A True Scribe of Abydos. Essays on First Millennium Egypt in Honour of Anthony Leahy.’
The book – 265 in the series Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, published by Peeters of Leuven and edited by Claus Jurman, Bettina Bader, and David Aston – contains more than 20 essays from scholars having ties with Tony and the University over many years. Further details about the book and a brief summary of its contents may be seen on the publisher’s web site at:
ISBN 978-90-429-3480-1.