Warwick Dunn’s Google Scholar can be found here
- Number of citations = 19,498 (04 March 2021, Google Scholar)
H-Index = 61 (04 March 2021, Google Scholar)
Key Publications since 2009
Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications – Review Articles
1. Nash, W.J. and Dunn, W.B., 2019. From mass to metabolite in human untargeted metabolomics: Recent advances in annotation of metabolites applying liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry data. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 120, 115324.
2. Dunn, W.B., Erban, A., Weber, R.J.M., Creek, D.J., Brown, M., Breitling, R., Hankemeier, T. Goodacre, R., Neumann, S., Kopka, J., Viant, M.R. Mass appeal: metabolite identification in mass spectrometry-focused untargeted metabolomics. Metabolomics, 2013, (9, suppl), 44-66. [444 citations]
3. Dunn W.B., Wilson I.D., Nicholls A.W., Broadhurst D. The importance of experimental design and QC samples in large-scale and MS-driven untargeted metabolomic studies of humans. Bioanalysis. 2012, 4(18), 2249-64. [338 citations]
4. Dunn W.B., Broadhurst D.I., Atherton H.J., Goodacre R., Griffin J.L. Systems level studies of mammalian metabolomes: the roles of mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 387-426. [706 citations]
Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications – Original Research
1. Thorne, L.S., Rochford, t., Williams, T.D., Southam, A.D., Rodriguez-Blanco, G., Dunn, W.B. and Hodges, N.J. Cytoglobin protects cancer cells from apoptosis by regulation of mitochondrial cardiolipin. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1), 985.
2. Giambelluca, S., Verlato, G., Simonato, M., Vedovelli, L., Bonadies, L., Najdekr, L., Dunn, W.B., Carnielli, Virgilio P. and Cogo, P. Chorioamnionitis alters lung surfactant lipidome in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatric Research, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41390-021-01371-3.
3. Frigerio, G., Mercadante, ., Campo, L., Polledri, E., Boniardi, ., Olgiati, L., Missineo, P., Nash, WJ., Dunn, W.B. and Fustinoni, S. Urinary biomonitoring of subjects with different smoking habits. Part II: an untargeted metabolomic approach and the comparison with the targeted measurement of mercapturic acids. Toxicology Letters, 2020, 329, 56-66.
4. Faulkner, A., Dang, Z., Avolio, E., Thomas, A.C., Batstone, T., Lloyd, G.R., Weber, R.J.M., Najdekr, L., Jankevics, A., Dunn, W.B., Spinetti, G. Vecchione, C., Puca, A.A. and Madeddu, P. Multi-Omics Analysis of Diabetic Heart Disease in the db/db Model Reveals Potential Targets for Treatment by a Longevity-Associated Gene. Cells, 2020, 9(5), 1283.
5. Tipple, C., Moiemen, N.S., Ioannou, C., Paglione, M., Goodson, S., McGee, K., O’Neil, D., Winder, C.L., Barnett, C., Wolf, A.I., Bamford, A.J., Dunn, W.B., Lord, J.M. and Berger, S. Intestinal permeability in participants with thermal injury: A case series from a prospective, longitudinal study (HESTIA). Burns Open, 2020, 4(3), 94-102.
6. Corbin, L.J., Hughes, D.A., Chetwynd, A.J., Taylor, A.E., Southam, A.D., Jankevics, A., Weber, R.J.M., Groom, A., Dunn, W.B. and Timpson, N.J. Metabolic characterisation of disturbances in the APOC3/triglyceride-rich lipoprotein pathway through sample-based recall by genotype. Metabolomics, 2020, 16(6), 69.
7. Wilkinson, D.J., Rodriguez-Blanco, G., Dunn, W.B., Phillips, B.E., Williams, J.P., Greenhaff, P.L., Smith, K., Gallagher, I.J. and Atherton, P.J. Untargeted metabolomics for uncovering biological markers of human skeletal muscle ageing. Aging (Albany, NY), 2020, 12(13), 12517-12533
8. Fultang, L., Booth, S., Yogev, O., Martins da Costa, B., Tubb, V., Panetti, ., Stavrou, V., Scarpa, U., Jankevics, A., Lloyd, G., Southam, A., Lee, S.P., Dunn, W.B., Chesler, L, Mussai, F. and De Santo, C. Metabolic engineering against the arginine microenvironment enhances CAR-T cell proliferation and therapeutic activity. Blood, 2020, 136(10), 1155-1160
9. Southam, A.D., Haglington, L.D., Najdekr, L., Jankevics, A., Weber, R.J.M. and Dunn, W.B. Assessment of human plasma and urine sample preparation for reproducible and high-throughput UHPLC-MS clinical metabolic phenotyping. The Analyst, 2020, 145, 6511-6523.
10. Drury, N.E., Bi, R., Woolley, R.L., Stickley, J., Morris, K.P., Montgomerie, J., van Doorn, M., Dunn, W.B., Madhani, M. and Ives, N.J. Bilateral Remote Ischaemic Conditioning in Children (BRICC) trial: protocol for a two-centre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial in young children undergoing cardiac surgery. BMJ Open, 2020, 10, e04217
11. Anne M. Evans, A.M., O’Donovan, C., […] on behalf of the Metabolomics Quality Assurance, Quality Control Consortium (mQACC). Dissemination and analysis of the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) practices of LC–MS based untargeted metabolomics practitioners. Metabolomics, 2020, 16, 113.
12. Gupta, V., Saxena, R., Walia, G.K., Agarwal, T., Vats, H., Dunn, W., Relton, C., Sovio, U., Papageorghiou, A., Smith, G.D. and Khadgawat, R., 2019. Gestational route to healthy birth (GaRBH): protocol for an Indian prospective cohort study. BMJ open, 9(4), p.e025395.
13. Denihan, N.M., Kirwan, J.A., Walsh, B.H., Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D.I., Boylan, G.B. and Murray, D.M., 2019. Untargeted metabolomic analysis and pathway discovery in perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 39(1), pp.147-162.
14. Henderson, F., Johnston, H.R., Badrock, A.P., Jones, E.A., et al., 2019. Enhanced fatty acid scavenging and glycerophospholipid metabolism accompanies melanocyte neoplasia progression in zebrafish. Cancer research, 79(9):2136-2151
15. Beger, R.D., Dunn, W.B., Bandukwala, A., Bethan, B., Broadhurst, D., Clish, C.B., Dasari, S., Derr, L., Evans, A., Fischer, S. and Flynn, T., 2019. Towards quality assurance and quality control in untargeted metabolomics studies. Metabolomics, 15(1), p.4.
16. Broadhurst, D., Goodacre, R., Reinke, S.N., Kuligowski, J., Wilson, I.D., Lewis, M.R. and Dunn, W.B., 2018. Guidelines and considerations for the use of system suitability and quality control samples in mass spectrometry assays applied in untargeted clinical metabolomic studies. Metabolomics, 14(6), p.72. >6000 downloads in 12 months, best article in journal award 2019
17. Kirwan, J.A., Brennan, L., Broadhurst, D., Fiehn, O., Cascante, M., Dunn, W.B., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V., 2018. Preanalytical processing and biobanking procedures of
biological samples for metabolomics research: A white paper, community perspective (for “precision medicine and pharmacometabolomics task group”—the metabolomics
society initiative). Clinical Chemistry, 64(8), pp.1158-1182.
18. Kirwan, J.A., Brennan, L., Broadhurst, D., Fiehn, O., Cascante, M., Dunn, W.B., Schmidt, M.A. and Velagapudi, V., 2018. Preanalytical processing and biobanking procedures of
biological samples for metabolomics research: A white paper, community perspective (for “precision medicine and pharmacometabolomics task group”—the metabolomics
society initiative). Clinical Chemistry, 64(8), pp.1158-1182.
19. Lyall, M.J., Cartier, J., Thomson, J.P., Cameron, K., Meseguer-Ripolles, J., O’Duibhir, E., Szkolnicka, D., Villarin, B.L., Wang, Y., Blanco, G.R. and Dunn, W.B., 2018. Modelling nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in human hepatocyte-like cells. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1750), p.20170362.
20. Lyall, M.J., Cartier, J., Thomson, J.P., Cameron, K., Meseguer-Ripolles, J., O’Duibhir, E.,
Szkolnicka, D., Villarin, B.L., Wang, Y., Blanco, G.R. and Dunn, W.B., 2018. Modelling nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease in human hepatocyte-like cells. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1750), p.20170362.
21. Chortis, V., Taylor, A.E., Doig, C.L., Walsh, M.D., Meimaridou, E., Jenkinson, C., Rodriguez-Blanco, G., Ronchi, C.L., Jafri, A., Metherell, L.A. Dunn W.B., and Hebenstreit, D., 2018. Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase as a novel treatment target in adrenocortical carcinoma. Endocrinology, 159(8), pp.2836-2849.
22. Pérez-Schindler, J., Kanhere, A., Edwards, L., Allwood, J.W., Dunn, W.B., Schenk, S. and Philp, A., 2017. Exercise and high-fat feeding remodel transcript-metabolite interactive networks in mouse skeletal muscle. Scientific reports, 7(1), p.13485.
23. Pérez-Schindler, J., Kanhere, A., Edwards, L., Allwood, J.W., Dunn, W.B., Schenk, S. and Philp, A., 2017. Exercise and high-fat feeding remodel transcript-metabolite interactive networks in mouse skeletal muscle. Scientific reports, 7(1), p.13485.
24. Lawson, T.N., Weber, R.J., Jones, M.R., Chetwynd, A.J., Rodriguez Blanco, G.A., Di Guida, R., Viant, M.R. and Dunn, W.B. msPurity: Automated Evaluation of Precursor Ion Purity for Mass Spectrometry Based Fragmentation in Metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89 (4), 2432–2439.
25. Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D.I., Edison, A., Guillou, C., Viant, M.R., Bearden, D.W. and Beger, R.D. Quality assurance and quality control processes: summary of a metabolomics community questionnaire. Metabolomics, 2017, 13(5), 50.
26. O’Reilly, M.W., Kempegowda, P., Walsh, M., Taylor, A.E., Manolopoulos, K.N., Allwood, J.W., Semple, R.K., Hebenstreit, D., Dunn, W.B., Tomlinson, J.W. and Arlt, W. AKR1C3-mediated adipose androgen generation drives lipotoxicity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2017, 102(9), 3327-3339.
27. Haley, M.J., Mullard, G., Hollywood, K.A., Cooper, G.J., Dunn, W.B. and Lawrence, C.B. Adipose tissue and metabolic and inflammatory responses to stroke are altered in obese mice. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2017, 10(10), 1229-1243.
28. Weber, R.J., Lawson, T.N., Salek, R.M., Ebbels, T.M., Glen, R.C., Goodacre, R., Griffin, J.L., Haug, K., Koulman, A., Moreno, P., Ralser, M., Steinbeck C., Dunn W.B. and Viant M.R. 2017.
28. Computational tools and workflows in metabolomics: An international survey highlights the opportunity for harmonisation through Galaxy. Metabolomics, 2017, 13(2), van Rijswijk, M., Beirnaert, C., Caron, C., Cascante, M., Dominguez, V., Dunn, W.B., Ebbels, T.M., Giacomoni, F., Gonzalez-Beltran, A., Hankemeier, T., Haug, K., et al. The future of metabolomics in ELIXIR. F1000Research, 2017, 6.
29. Viant, M.R., Kurland, I.J., Jones, M.R. and Dunn, W.B. How close are we to complete annotation of metabolomes?. Current opinion in chemical biology, 2017, 36, 64-69.
30. Di Guida, R., Engel, J., Allwood, J.W., Weber, R.J., Jones, M.R., Sommer, U., Viant, M.R. and Dunn, W.B. Non-targeted UHPLC-MS metabolomic data processing methods: a comparative investigation of normalisation, missing value imputation, transformation and scaling. Metabolomics, 2016, 12(5), 1-14.
31. Beger, R.D., Dunn, W., Schmidt, M.A., Gross, S.S., Kirwan, J.A., Cascante, M., Brennan, L., Wishart, D.S., Oresic, M., Hankemeier, T. and Broadhurst, D.I. Metabolomics enables precision medicine:“a white paper, community perspective”. Metabolomics, 2016, 12(10),
32. Murray, P.G., Butcher, I., Dunn, W.B., Stevens, A., Perchard, R., Hanson, D., Whatmore, A., Westwood, M. and Clayton, P.E., 2016. Metabolites involved in glycolysis and amino acid metabolism are altered in short children born small for gestational age. Pediatric research, 2016, 80(2), 299.
33. Dunn, W.B., Allwood, J.W., Van Mieghem, T., Morris, R.K., Mackie, F.L., Fox, C.E. and Kilby, M.D., 2016. Carbohydrate and fatty acid perturbations in the amniotic fluid of the recipient twin of pregnancies complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome in relation to treatment and fetal cardiovascular risk. Placenta, 2016, 44, 6-12.
34. Madu, U.L., Ogundeji, A.O., Mochochoko, B.M., Pohl, C.H., Albertyn, J., Swart, C.W., Allwood, J.W., Southam, A.D., Dunn, W.B., May, R.C. and Sebolai, O.M. Cryptococcal 3-hydroxy fatty acids protect cells against amoebal phagocytosis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6.
35. Hazlehurst, J.M., Oprescu, A.I., Nikolaou, N., Di Guida, R., Grinbergs, A.E., Davies, N.P., Flintham, R.B., Armstrong, M.J., Taylor, A.E., Hughes, B.A., Yu, J., Hodson, L., Dunn W.B. and Tomlinson, J.W. Dual-5α-Reductase Inhibition Promotes Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Man. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2015, 101(1), pp.103-113.
36. Freeman, O.J. Unwin, R.D. Dowsey, A.W. Begley, P., Ali, S., Hollywood, K.A., Rustogi, N., Petersen, R.S., Dunn, W.B., Cooper, G.J.S and Gardiner, N.J. Compartmentalization of dysfunctional mitochondrial metabolism in diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes, 2015,
37. Armitage, E.G., Kotze, H.L., Allwood, J.W., Dunn, W.B., Goodacre, R. and Williams, K.J. Metabolic profiling reveals potential metabolic markers associated with Hypoxia Inducible Factor-mediated signalling in hypoxic cancer cells. Scientific Reports, 2015, art15649
38. Ludwig C. Williams D.S., Bartlett D.B., Essex S.J., McNee G., Allwood J.W., Jewell E., Barkhuisen A., Parry H., Anandram S., Nicolson P., Gardener C., Seymour F., Basu S., Dunn W.B., Moss P.A., Pratt G., Tennant D.A. Alterations in bone marrow metabolism are an early and consistent feature during the development of MGUS and multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J. 2015. 5:e359.
39. Mullard, G., Allwood, J.W., Weber, R., Brown, M., Begley, P., Hollywood, K.A., Jones, M., Unwin, R.D., Bishop, P.N., Cooper, G.J.S. and Dunn, W.B. A new strategy for MS/MS data acquisition applying multiple data dependent experiments on Orbitrap mass spectrometers in non-targeted metabolomic applications. Metabolomics, 2015, 11, 1068-1080
40. Priyadarshini, P., Heazell, A.E.P., Mullard, G., Begley, P., Chen, Q., Brown, M., Dunn, W.B. and Chamley, L.W. Antiphospholipid Antibodies Alter Cell-Death-Regulating Lipid Metabolites in First and Third Trimester Human Placentae. American J. Reproductive Immunology, 2015, 74, 181-199.
41. Drogan, D., Dunn, W.B., Lin, W., Buijsse, B., Schulze, M.B., Langenberg, C., Brown, M., Floegel, A., Dietrich, S., Rolandsson, O., Wedge, D.C., Goodacre, R., Forouhi, N.G., Sharp, S.J., Spranger, J., Wareham, N.J. & Heiner, H. Untargeted metabolic profiling identifies altered serum metabolites of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a prospective, nested case control study. Clinical Chemistry, 2015, 61, 497-497
42. Weber, R.J.M., Winder, C.L., Dunn, W.B. and Viant, M.R. Training needs in metabolomics. Metabolomics, 2015, 11, 784-796
43. Gehmlich, K., Dodd, M.S., Allwood, J.W., Kelly, M., Bellahcene, M., Lad, H.V., Stockenhuber, A., Hooper, C., Ashrafian, H., Redwood, C.S., Carrier, L., Dunn, W.B. Changes in the cardiac metabolome caused by perhexiline treatment in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Mol. Biosystems 2015, 11(2):564-73
44. Dunn, W.B., Lin, W., Broadhurst, D., Begley, P., Brown, M., Zelena, E., Vaughan, A.A., Halsall, A., Harding, N., Knowles, J.D., Francis-McIntyre, S., Tseng, A., Ellis, D.I., O’Hagan, S., Aarons, G., Benjamin, B., Chew-Graham, S., Moseley, C., Potter, P., Winder, C.L., Potts, C., Thornton, P., McWhirter, C., Zubair, M., Pan, M., Burns, A., Cruickshank, J.K., Jayson, G.C., Purandare, N., Wu, F.C.W., Finn, J.D., Haselden, J.N., Nicholls, A.W., Wilson, I. D., Goodacre, R. & Kell, D.B. (2014), Molecular phenotyping of a UK population: defining the
human serum metabolome. Metabolomics, 2015, 11, 9-26
45. Hollywood, K.A., Winder, C.L., Dunn, W.B., Xu, Y., Broadhurst, D., Griffiths, C.E.M. and Goodacre, R. Exploring the mode of action of dithranol therapy for psoriasis: a metabolomic analysis using HaCaT cells. Mol. Biosystems, 2015, 11, 2198-2209
46. Bradbury, J. Genta-Jouve, G., Allwood, J.W., Dunn, W.B., Goodacre, R., Knowles, J.D., He, S. & Viant, M.R. MUSCLE: Automated closed loop multi-objective evolutionary LC-MS/MS
method optimisation for targeted analysis. Bioinformatics, 2014, 975-977
47. Anderson, S.G., Dunn, W.B., Banerjee, M., Brown, M., Broadhurst, D.I., Goodacre, R., Cooper, G.J.S., Kell, D.B. and Cruickshank, J.K. Evidence That Multiple Defects in Lipid Regulation Occur before Hyperglycemia during the Prodrome of Type-2 Diabetes. PloS One, 2014, e103217
48. Bearden, D.W., Beger, R.D., Broadhurst, D., Dunn, W., Edison, A., Guillou, C., Trengove, R., Viant, M. and Wilson, I., 2014. The New Data Quality Task Group (DQTG): ensuring high quality data today and in the future. Metabolomics, 2014, 10(4), p.539.
49. Creek, D.J., Dunn, W.B., Fiehn, O., Griffin, J.L., Hall, R.D., Lei, Z., Mistrik, R., Neumann, S., Schymanski, E.L., Sumner, L.W. and Trengove, R., 2014. Metabolite identification: are you sure? And how do your peers gauge your confidence?. Metabolomics, 10(3), 350-353
50. Zhou, J., Weber, R.J.M., Allwood, J.W., Mistrik, R., Zhu, Z., Ji, Z., Chen, S., Dunn, W.B., He, S. and Viant, M.R. HAMMER: Automated operation of Mass Frontier to construct in-silico mass spectral fragmentation libraries. Bioinformatics, 2014, 30, 581-583 5
51. Salek RM, Steinbeck C, Viant MR, Goodacre R, Dunn W.B. The role of reporting standards for metabolite annotation and identification in metabolomic studies. Gigascience. 2013, 2, 13.
52. Allwood, J.W., Weber, R.J.M., Zhou, J., He, S., Viant, M.R. and Dunn, W.B. CASMI—The Small Molecule Identification Process from a Birmingham Perspective. Metabolites, 2013, 3, 397-411
53. Thiele, I., Swainston, N., Fleming, R.M.T., ….. Dunn, W.B. (17th author of 46 authors) et al. A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism. Nature Biotechnology, 2013, 31(5), 419-25 [>960 citations]
54. Heazell, A.E.P., Bernatavicius, G., Warrander, L., Brown, M.C., Dunn, W.B. A metabolomic approach identifies differences in maternal serum in third trimester pregnancies that end in poor perinatal outcome. Reproductive Sciences, 2012, 19(8), 863-75.
55. Dunn, W.B., Brown, M.,Worton, S.A., Davies, K., Jones, R.L., Kell, D.B. & Heazell, A.E.P. The metabolome of human placental tissue: investigation of first trimester tissue and changes related to preeclampsia in late pregnancy. Metabolomics, 2012, 8, 579-597
56. Vaughan A.A., Dunn W.B., Allwood J.W., Wedge D.C., Blackhall F.H., Whetton A.D., Dive C., Goodacre R. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry calibration transfer and metabolomics data fusion. Anal. Chem. 2012, 84(22), 9848-57.
57.Dunn W.B., Summers A., Brown M., Goodacre R., Lambie M., Johnson T., Wilkie M., Davies S., Topley N., Brenchley P. Proof-of-principle study to detect metabolic changes in peritoneal dialysis effluent in patients who develop encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2012, 27, 2502
58. Ugarte, M., Brown, M., Hollywood, K.A., Cooper, G.J., Bishop, P.N., Dunn, W.B. Metabolomic analysis of rat serum in streptozotocin-induced diabetes and after treatment with oral triethylenetetramine (TETA). Genome Med. 2012, 4, 35.
59. Wedge, D.C., Allwood, J.W., Dunn, W.B., Vaughan, A.A., Simpson, K., Brown, M., Priest, L., Blackhall, F.H., Whetton, A.D., Dive, C., Goodacre, R. Is serum or plasma more appropriate for intersubject comparisons in metabolomic studies? An assessment in patients with small-cell lung cancer. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 6689-97.
60. Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D., Begley, P., Zelena, E., Francis-McIntyre, S., Anderson, N., Brown, M., Knowles, J.D., Halsall, A., Haselden, J.N., Nicholls, A.W., Wilson, I.D., Kell, D.B., Goodacre, R., Human Serum Metabolome (HUSERMET) Consortium. Procedures for largescale metabolic profiling of serum and plasma using gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Nature Protocols 2011, 6, 1060-83. [>1,440 citations]
61. Brown, M., Wedge, D.C., Goodacre, R., Kell, D.B., Baker, P.N., Kenny, L.C., Mamas, M.A., Neyses, L., Dunn, W.B. Automated workflows for accurate mass-based putative metabolite identification in LC/MS-derived metabolomic datasets. Bioinformatics 2011, 27, 1108-12.
62. Dobson P.D., Smallbone K., Jameson D., Simeonidis E., Lanthaler K., Pir P., Lu C., Swainston N., Dunn W.B., Fisher P., Hull D., Brown M., Oshota O., Stanford N.J., Kell D.B., King R.D., Oliver S.G., Stevens R.D., Mendes P. Further developments towards a genome-scale metabolic model of yeast. BMC Systems Biology 2010, 4, 145.
63. Horgan, R.P., Broadhurst, D.I., Walsh, S.K., Dunn, W.B., Brown, M., Roberts, C.T., North, R.A., McCowan, L.M., Kell, D.B., Baker, P.N., Kenny, L.C. Metabolic profiling uncovers a phenotypic signature of small for gestational age in early pregnancy. J. Proteome Res. 2011, 10, 3660-73.
64. Kenny, L.C., Broadhurst, D.I., Dunn, W.B., Brown, M., North, R.A., McCowan, L., Roberts, C., Cooper, G.J.S., Kell, D.B. and Baker, P.N. Robust early pregnancy prediction of later preeclampsia using metabolomic biomarkers. Hypertension, 2010, 56, 741-749. [>300 citations]
65. Begley, P., Francis-McIntyre, S., Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D.I., Halsall, A., Tseng, A., Knowles, J., HUSERMET Consortium, Goodacre, R., Kell, D.B. Development and Performance of a Gas Chromatography-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Analysis for Large-Scale Nontargeted Metabolomic Studies of Human Serum. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 7038-7046.
66. Allwood, J.W., Erban, A., de Koning, J., Dunn, W.B., Luedemann, A., Lommen, A., Kay, L., Löscher, R., Kopka, J., Goodacre, R. Inter-laboratory reproducibility of fast gas chromatography–electron impact–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-EI-TOF/MS) based plant metabolomics. Metabolomics, 2009, 5, 479-496
67. Zelena, E., Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D., Francis-McIntyre, S., Carroll, K.M., Begley, P., O’Hagan, S., Knowles, J.D., Halsall, A., HUSERMET Consortium, Wilson, I.D., Kell, D.B. Development of a Robust and Repeatable UPLC-MS Method for the Long-Term Metabolomic Study of Human Serum. Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 1357-1364. [>340 citations]
68. Brown, M., Dunn, W.B., Dobson, P., Patel, Y., Winder, C.L., Francis-McIntyre, S., Begley, P., Carroll, K., Broadhurst, D., Tseng, A., Swainston, N., Spasic, I., Goodacre, R., Kell, D.B. Mass spectrometry tools and metabolite-specific databases for molecular identification in metabolomics. Analyst 2009, 134, 1322-1332.
69. Winder, C.L., Dunn, W.B., Schuler, S., Broadhurst, D., Jarvis, R., Stephens, G.M., Goodacre, R. Global metabolic profiling of Escherichia coli cultures: An evaluation of methods for quenching and extraction of intracellular metabolites. Analytical Chemistry 2008, 80, 2939-2948. [>300 citations]
70. Herrgard, M.J., Swainston, N., Dobson, P., Dunn, W.B., et al. A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology. Nature Biotechnology 2008, 26, 1155-1160. [>610 citations]
71. Heazell A.E.P., Brown, M., Dunn, W.B., Worton, S.A., Crocker, I.P., Baker, P.N., Kell, D.B. Analysis of the metabolic footprint and tissue metabolome of placental villous explants cultured at different oxygen tensions reveals novel redox biomarkers. Placenta 2008, 29, 691-698.
72. Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D., Ellis, D.I., Brown, M., Halsall, A., O’Hagan, S., Spasic, I., Tseng A., Kell, D.B. A GC-TOF-MS study of the stability of serum and urine metabolomes during the UK Biobank sample collection and preparation protocols. International Journal of Epidemiology 2008, 37, 23-30.
73. Dunn. W.B., Broadhurst. D., Brown. M., Baker, P.N., Redman, C.W., Kenny, L.C., Kell, D.B. Metabolic profiling of serum using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography and the LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry system. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2008, 871, 288-298.
74. O’Hagan S., Dunn W.B., Knowles J.D., Broadhurst D., Williams R., Ashworth J.J., Cameron M., Kell D.B. Closed-loop, multiobjective optimization of two-dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for serum metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry 2007,
79, 464-476.
75. Dunn, W.B., Broadhurst, D.I., Deepak, S.M., Mamta, Buch, M.H., McDowell, G., Spasic, I., Ellis, D.I., Brooks, N., Kell, D.B., Neyses, L. Serum metabolomics reveals many novel metabolic markers of heart failure, including pseudouridine and 2-oxoglutarate. Metabolomics 2007, 3, 413-426.
76. Castrillo, J.I., Zeef, L.A., Hoyle, D.C., Zhang, N., Hayes, A., Gardner, D.C., Cornell, M.J., Petty, J., Hakes, L., Wardleworth, L., Rash, B., Brown, M., Dunn, W.B., et al. Growth control of the eukaryote cell: A systems biology study in yeast. Journal of Biology 2007, 6, 4.
77. O’Hagan, S., Dunn, W.B., Brown, M., Knowles, J.D., Kell, D.B. Closed-loop, multiobjective optimization of analytical instrumentation: Gas chromatography/time-offlight mass spectrometry of the metabolomes of human serum and of yeast fermentations. Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77, 290-303.