From Alexander (Sandy) Knowles’ LinkedIn
“Fantastic the past 1.5 days at the 2024 BCC Superalloy Network Opening Workshop in Plansee, Reutte Austria.
“Great to see the range of high quality bcc-superalloys work presented with fantastic discussions, and especially to bring together the nascent bcc-superalloy community with 18 talks and 10 posters, from researchers across the EU and internationally. A tremendous thanks to Plansee and specifically to Heinrich Kestler and Melanie, and to my co-organiser Christopher Zenk, such a great event! Looking forward to seeing bcc-superalloy researchers at TMS2024, and then advertising the dedicated bcc-superalloy symposia we will have for TMS2025, as well as meeting at the Plansee Seminar early June 2025!”