The project utilises a wide ranging and diverse group of researchers who will work collaboratively, with expertise in QT sensor development, geophysics, buried utilities, hydrology, environmental monitoring, data processing and machine learning. Their bios and roles on the project are detailed below
school of Engineering
PrincIpal investigator
Nicole is Prof of Infrastructure Monitoring, the Director of National Buried Infrastructure Facility (NBIF) and Head of Enterprise, Engagement and Impact in the School of Engineering.
Mike is Prof of Atom Interferometry and leads the Atom Interferometry group at UoB and is Head of Innovation for the School of Physics and Astronomy. His work focuses on gravity gradient sensing with cold atoms.
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
David is Prof of Hydrology and is UNESCO Chair in Water Science with expertise ranging across hydrology and Director of the Birmingham Institute for Sustainability & Climate Action.
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Stefan is Prof of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry and has more than 20 years of experience in integrating the development of novel modelling techniques with innovative field & laboratory experimental technologies for investigating the interlinked cycling of nutrients & reactive transport of emerging contaminants & legacy pollutants.
school of Engineering
Asaad is Assoc. Prof in civil engineering and Head of Department of Civil Engineering. He is a member of the Governance and Executive Board of the Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure, leads the Digital Twin theme of the NBIF.
School of Engineering
Dan is an Assistant Prof and Early Career Researcher who has a track record of working on applications for QT gravity gradiometers over several projects.
School of Engineering
CO-investigator – ECR
Xilin is an Assistant Prof and early career researcher who has a strong track record on developing high-performance and dynamic numerical models and machine learning methods for managing natural hazards risk.
British Geological Survey
Paul is Principal Geophysicist for the British Geological Survey who has expertise in automated geophysical data-processing, geophysical monitoring of groundwater resources / systems, environmental applications of QT sensors, development of inverse methods and automated image appraisal, and optimal geophysical survey and monitoring strategies.
Dr. Research McResearcher
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences & School of Engineering
This could be you for this exciting cross disciplinary opportunity! Recruitment for this position is ongoing.
Dr. Research McResearcher
School of Physics and astronomy & sCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
This could be you for this exciting cross disciplinary opportunity! Recruitment for this position is ongoing.