QS-GAMES: Quantum Sensing – Ground, and Aquifer Monitoring for Environmental Sciences

The vision of QS-GAMES is to develop a transformative integrated framework that brings together novel sensors and practices in monitoring water in the ground (aquifer, leaks) to improve our understanding of seasonal variations. To fulfil this ambition, we combine world leading expertise in quantum technology sensing, groundwater management, geophysical surveying, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning and geotechnical engineering.

Latest News

  • Job Opportunities

    We have two postdoc positions as part of the recently funded research project QS-GAMES on the development and use of quantum technology gravity gradient sensors for environmental science and water engineering applications in collaboration with British Geological Survey. These are exciting cross-disciplinary research works with opportunities that build upon our pioneering and prestigious works on the…

  • Job vacancies coming soon

    Two post-doctoral research fellow posts will be available soon!