
The exhibition was displayed at the European Research Institute, University of Birmingham, from 16-21 October 2019. It formed part of the University’s ‘Green Heart’ festival, whose theme for Autumn 2019 is ‘Change’.

A discussion of print culture and protest was organised on 16 October in conjunction with the University of Birmingham Graduate Centre for Europe, whose theme in 2019-20 is ‘Protest and Activism’.

(click each image to enlarge)

The exhibition of reviews was launched at Impact Hub, in Digbeth, Birmingham, on 16 September 2019, accompanied by a roundtable discussion led by Emanuela Patti, Ellen Pilsworth, and Katie Blair.

Emanuela and Ellen told us about their research on Italian and German protest reviews respectively, and we considered the following questions:

  • – how important is print culture in spreading ideas at times of unrest and protest?
  • – has print culture been replaced by digital media in the 21st century? (hint: no!)
  • – how do ideas cross borders? What is the role of translation?

Poster designed by Zoom Illustration in response to the theme of the exhibition.