Video: Understanding Right-Wing Populism in Belgium
![Leader of the Finns Party Tom Van Grieken is depicted from the waist up outside on an autumnal day. He is a white male with short slick bakc dark hair, probably about 35. He wears a shirt with no jacket and a black tie with white heart shapes (like from a game of paying cards). His sleeves are rolled up revealing a large silver watch. He smiles and clasps one hand in the other in front of him](
This post originally appeared on EA Wordview
Scott Lucas talks with the Populism in Action Project’s Judith Sijstermans about right-wing populism in Belgium. How is the Flemish Interest (Vlaams Belang) party seeking to expand its support in Flanders and across the country?
Before the interview, Scott chats with PiAP’s Stijn van Kessel about how Black Lives Matter is influencing the approach of right-wing populist parties, including in The Netherlands.