“Populist electoral competition in Italy: the impact of sub-national contextual factors” Published

Populism in Action’s Principal Investigator Daniele Albertazzi and the Project’s Italy focused Research Fellow Mattia Zulianello have had their academic article “Populist electoral competition in Italy: the impact of sub-national contextual factors” published in the journal Contemporary Italian Politics.
In the article they investigate:
“…the impact of sub-national contextual variations on the performance of populist actors in a country in which several electorally relevant populist parties exist: Italy. By employing a multi-model Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of the 2018 Italian general election, it explores the extent to which factors such as the distribution of ‘economic losers’ and the impact of migration, political discontent and societal malaise have influenced the performance of the Lega (League) and the Movimento Cinque Stelle (Five-star Movement, M5s). The study shows that, while the League has thrived especially in areas characterized by ‘cultural backlash’, but also in contexts characterized by Euroscepticism and societal malaise, the success of the M5s cannot be explained without reference to poor economic and institutional performances. Moreover, by stressing the advantages of assessing sub-national variations, the study encourages us to move away from one-size-fits-all grand narratives that see some factors (or combination of factors) as necessarily impacting populist performance throughout national territories in a consistent manner.”
You can read the full article here (free to access for a limited time from 18/02/21)