Daniele Albertazzi Provides Comment in the Finance Times on What the New Italian Government Portends for the Country’s Populist Radical Right

On 5th February 2021 Daniele Albertazzi, the Populism in Action Project’s Principal Investigator, provided comment to the Financial Times journalists Miles Johnson and Davide Ghiglione for their article “Mario Draghi’s search for support leaves Matteo Salvini with painful choice”. A piece exploring what the implications of the replacement of the Italian government led by the Five Star Movement aligned Giuseppe Conti, with one led by the non-party “technocrat” Mario Draghi, might be for the country’s populist radical right parties.
Daniele Albertazzi reflected that:
“This is a difficult moment for Salvini… There are many in his party that will be very supportive of someone like Draghi trying to kickstart the economy. It is very clear from polling data that Meloni is a big threat to Salvini, and she is taking most of her support from the League.”