Pervez N. Ghauri
Pervez Ghauri completed his PhD at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden) where he also taught for several years. Over the years Pervez has worked at Oslo Business School, Norway as Associate Dean, University of Groningen as professor of International Business and as Dean for Research. He has worked at Manchester Business School (MBS) where he developed a Center for International Business. In 2007, international business group at MBS was ranked as number one in the United Kingdom, number two in Europe and number 5 in the world by the Financial Times. Later he joined King’s College London as Chair and Head of International Business and Strategy. Currently, Pervez is Professor and Chair of International Business at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Over the years Pervez has captured more than €10 million in research funding. At present his research deals with the externalities of Multinational Enterprises and their role in achieving United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Recently, Pervez was awarded Honorary Doctorates of Economics, by University of Vaasa and University of Turku (Finland).
Pervez has published numerous books including the Research Methods in Business Studies, now in 5th edition, by Cambridge University Press. He has authored more than 150 journal articles in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of world Business, Journal of Organizational Behavior, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Management International Review and Long Range planning. In parallel, Pervez has been the founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Business Review. He was Editor (Europe) for the Journal of World Business between 2007 – 2014. At present he is Consulting Editor for Journal of International Business Studies since January 2017. Pervez is a Fellow for both the European International Business Academy (EIBA) and the Academy of International Business (AIB), where he was also elected Vice President between 2008 and 2010. Pervez has also been consulting companies such as BP, Ericsson and Airbus Industries.