Jorge Carneiro
Dr Jorge Carneiro is Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business and Associate Dean of the Global Executive MBA program at FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration. Dr Carneiro is the Principal Investigator for the Brazilian arm of the project, leading local fieldwork and data analysis as well as coordinating with partners.
Carneiro’s research interests focus on multinationals and sustainable development, the behavioral approach to strategy formulation and execution, and internationalization of emerging market enterprises.
Carneiro currently serves as president of AIB-LAC (Academy of International Business, Latin America & the Caribbean chapter) and has served as chair of the strategy division of ANPAD (the Brazilian Academy of Management, 2015-2017), member of the board of EIBA (European International Business Academy, 2011-2016), and member of the Executive Committee of BALAS (Business Association of Latin American Studies, 2009-2014).
Current editor-in-chief of RAE – Revista de Administracao de Empresas and former editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Administration Review (2010-2015), guest editor of five special issues on Latin America published by the Journal of Business Research and one special issue published by the Multinational Business Review, and current associate editor of International Business Review, Multinational Business Review, Brazilian Administration Review, and Management Research as well as member of the editorial review board of the Global Strategy Journal and of the International Journal of Emerging Markets.
Carneiro is member of the Strategic Committee of Corporate Governance of the Amcham Brazil and a member of the Strategy Committee of IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance).