The MNEDEVELOP project is conducted by a team of researchers at universities in Brazil, Colombia and the UK.
This collaboration is led by Professor Pervez Ghauri (University of Birmingham), Professor Axele Giroud (University of Manchester) and Dr Jorge Carneiro (FGV Sao Paulo).
Lead project investigators
Pervez Ghauri
Pervez is Professor and Chair of International Business at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Axele Giroud
Professor of International Business and Head of the Comparative and International Business Group at the Alliance Manchester Business School.
Jorge Carneiro
Dr Jorge Carneiro is Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business and Associate Dean of the Global Executive MBA program at FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration.
Colombia project lead
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (Ph.D., MBS, Psy.) is Professor of Management, Head of the Masters in Sustainability, and Coordinator of Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability at Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).
Project Researchers

Jayne Cathcart
Jayne Cathcart is a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham working on the MNEDEVELOP project. Jayne completed her PhD and Masters at Queen’s University Belfast. Her PhD examined Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sweden and the UK. She has presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research conference at the University of Seville, and at several Doctoral conferences in the UK.
Jayne has experience working as a Teaching Associate at Alliance Manchester Business School, in addition to policy, and business roles in project management and supply chain management.

Renan Oliveira
Renan Oliveira is a Professor and Researcher with a natural passion for finding creative and innovative ways to solve issues through collaborative interactions with teammates. Renan has published in well-known International Journals (IMR) and has attended International Conferences in the International Business domain (EIBA/AIB). Renan holds a PhD degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he studied the influence of the network in the internationalization process of firms in the oil and gas industry based in Rio de Janeiro. During this time, Renan visited Copenhagen Business School (CBS), and was appointed as External Lecturer in the course of Business Research Methods (BSs International Business in Asia). Renan is currently a Research Fellow at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) on the MNEDEVELOP project in partnership with the University of Birmingham and the University of Manchester.
Affiliated Doctoral Students
Monica Fatima de Jesus
Monica Fatima de Jesus is a PhD student of Business Strategy at Fundação Getulio Vargas – Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP). Her study focuses on the role of NGOs in the relationship between MNEs and vulnerable communities; and is under the supervision of Professor Jorge Carneiro. Maria has a Master of Business Administration focusing on Marketing from FGV EAESP and has experience working in infrastructure, energy and transportation sectors. She has a degree in Electrical Engineering and a degree in Social Communications both from the University of Sao Paulo.
Maria Sol Fernandes Marques da Silva
Maria Sol Fernandes Marques da Silva is a PhD. Student of Business Strategy and International Business at Fundação Getulio Vargas – Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP). Maria Sol has an Business Administration from COPPEAD Graduate School of Business of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD – UFRJ), with a dissertation on the Process of Internationalization of Companies. She has a Bachelor´s degree in Chemical Engineering from the School of Chemistry – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EQ – UFRJ), with an extension in Economics and Finance from FGV EAESP. Maria Sol has executive experience in Strategic Planning and Project and Process Management. As former Management Director at Oi S.A., she had responsibility for the deployment of strategic goals and for the PMO and Processes teams. Previously, she worked for Experian UK, leading the implementation of management methodology, strategic goals and process indicators in the UK, Europe, and South Africa business units. Before Experian, she worked for Serasa S.A., leading the areas of International Business, Strategic Planning, Quality Management and the Projects and Processes Management Office.
MNEDEVELOP is funded by the British ESRC-UKRI – Research and Innovation Fund and FAPESP from Brazil.

ESRC-UKRI The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. The ESRC support independent, high quality research which has an impact on business, the public sector and civil society. The ESRC is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), an organisation that brings together the UK’s nine research councils.
FAPESP São Paulo Research Foundation is a public foundation located in São Paulo, Brazil, with a mission to provide grants, funds and programs to support research projects in higher education and research institutions across all fields of study.