
As part of their ongoing training and evaluation, all MEICOM ESR’s are required to produce a 6 monthly progress report on each relevant RTP. These reports are reviewed by the MEICOM Training Committee which consists of Andreas Houben (IPK), Peter Schloegelhofer (UoV) and Paul Franz (UoA).

Supervisors and Mentors

Supervisors (PI’s) are responsible for the direct day-to-day supervision of the appointed ESR in his/her group. The PI’s ensure the training needs of the appointed fellows are implemented.

Mentors have been appointed for each ESR from a different partner. They provide both scientific advice and provide support and advice for ESRs in relation to their career development.


Secondments to partner and associated partner laboratories/facilities for specialist training of individual or small groups of ESRs are ongoing through the project based around the requirements of each RTP.


MEICOM will apply and develop a range of multidisciplinary methods and technologies. Expertise will be disseminated across MEICOM via workshops.