Policy Brief
A call for policymakers to work with Farmer’s Pride and other stakeholders to ensure adequate policies are in place for in situ conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in Europe.
Language versions available: English, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish
Effectiveness of existing levels of support for conservation and use
Where European support payments for landrace conservation exist at all, they are on average, below that necessary to cover farmers’ opportunity costs. There is also significant potential for improved cost-effectiveness to be achieved through the use of conservation tenders. This report highlights these needs.
General public’s willingness to pay for agrobiodiverse-related goods and services
The value the European public places on agrobiodiversity-related public good ecosystem services is significant. Here we report, that as these values far outweigh estimated conservation costs, there is a strong justification for further government investment in on-farm conservation of landraces in Europe in order to better align with citizens’ preferences.
Policy roundtable discussion
Read a report on the policy roundtable on the establishment of a European network for in situ conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, which took place in the final session of the Farmer’s Pride final dissemination conference.
Strategic action plan for PGR in situ maintenance