2022: Hearts for Doncaster campaign

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals, in partnership with the British Ironworks Centre, launched the Hearts for Doncaster campaign in 2022. The initiative was created to thank those who worked in essential roles throughout the COVID-19 pandemic or remember those who died during this time.

Members of the public were invited to donate £20 to embellish a metal heart with a written commemoration. The resulting structure stands as a 9ft tall and 18ft wide rainbow, currently decorated with around 700 hearts. These include tributes to NHS health and social care staff, messages of love to family and friends, or expressions of gratitude to other workers such as supermarket staff.

The proceeds raised have gone towards the Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals Charity, spent exclusively on improving care and treatment.

The Hearts for Doncaster logo. The text: “Hearts for Doncaster” is surrounded by drawings of seven cartoon hearts, each a different colour of the rainbow.
Logo for Hearts for Doncaster. Image courtesy of Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity.
A drawing of a statue of a rainbow in a park, with a man, a woman and a child standing by it. On the bottom right corner of the drawing, there are seven cartoon hearts, each a different colour of the rainbow.
Design of Hearts for Doncaster arch. Image courtesy of Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity.