2001: Lord Mayor’s Appeal for Barts

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital is the oldest working hospital in the country, celebrating its 900th anniversary in 2023.

In 2001, a £13 million fundraising campaign was launched to raise funds for a Cancer Centre of Excellence at the hospital. Launched with the backing of the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the appeal involved an array of fundraising events including a Go-Kart challenge.

Most publicity for the appeal featured the crest of the Lord Mayor, purple colouring, and an artistic impression of Bart’s hospital. The Barts Cancer Institute was established in 2003 and continues to conduct world-renowned cancer research.

The front cover of a leaflet. In the centre is a painting of the front of a large, yellow building on a blue background. The building has 18 windows split over 5 floors, and one archway on the ground floor in the centre. The archway and each window have people stood in them, with some waving and some holding balloons. Above and below the painting are thick, plum-coloured borders with white text. The border above the painting states "The Lord Mayor's Appeal 2001, Barts Cancer Centre of Excellence". The border below the painting states "A vision for the future".
Leaflet detailing the 2001 appeal. Image courtesy of Barts Health NHS Trust Archives.
A poster advertising the City Go-Kart Challenge. The poster is split into 3 horizontal sections. The first section is plum-coloured, with bold white text stating "The Lord Mayor of London's". The middle section is white, with a black and white image of a person riding a go-kart, wearing a helmet. There is also grey text stating "City Go-Kart Challenge" and the address and date ("The Raceway, Kings Cross, London, on Tuesday 5th June 2001 at 6pm") in black text underneath. The bottom section is plum-coloured, with small white text stating "The Lord Mayor's Appeal in support of Bart's Cancer Centre". There is a crest in white on the bottom left of the page, and small white text that states " The Lord Mayor's Appeal 2000/2001, Barts Cancer Centre of Excellence" at the bottom right. At the foot of the page is the registered charity number in faint white text.
Flyer for a go-kart event in aid of the 2001 appeal. Image courtesy of Barts Health NHS Trust Archives