2020: NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal

Digital poster from COVID-19 Urgent Appeal. Image courtesy of NHS Charities Together.

Launched 23rd March 2020 – the same day the UK went into lockdown – the COVID-19 Urgent Appeal raised over £160 million.

Imagery of the campaign (such as this poster) featured photographs of NHS staff, described as “NHS heroes”. Donations were made to the appeal online using digital crowdfunding platforms such as JustGiving. It became the largest ever appeal on the JustGiving platform.

Funds were distributed to NHS charities and trusts across the UK, paying for over 4,000 initiatives, including: rest and wellbeing spaces for NHS staff, digital inclusion projects, support for those with long-term health conditions, and efforts to increase vaccine uptake. Full details are available in NHS Charities Together’s report on the appeal.