Conference presentations

EDAR6 Posters

Our team will be presenting 3 posters at EDAR 6 – the 6th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance.

EDAR6 will be from 22-27 September 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden

One poster describes the concepts and workflow behind our AMRflows project and will be presented by Sasikaladevi Rathinavelu, here the pdf:

The second poster will be presenting the EMBRACE-WATERS reporting standards that a team of experts led by our collaborator Mical Paul in Haifa, Israel have published:

Hassoun-Kheir N, Stabholz Y, Kreft J-U, de la Cruz R, Dechesne A, Smets BF, Romalde JL, Lema A, Balboa S, García-Riestra C, Torres-Sangiao E, Neuberger A, Graham D, Quintela-Baluja M, Stekel DJ, Graham J, Pruden A, Nesme J, Sørensen SJ, Hough R, Paul M (2021). EMBRACE-WATERS statement: Recommendations for reporting of studies on antimicrobial resistance in wastewater and related aquatic environments. One Health 13: 100339

This poster will be presented by AMRFlows team member Cansu Uluseker, here the pdf:

The third poster reports on work at a Dairy farm near Nottingham, UK, by a large team in the EVAL-FARMS project led by Dov Stekel, which has just been published

Baker M, Williams AD, Hooton SPT, Helliwell R, King E, Dodsworth T, Baena-Nogueras RM, Warry A, Ortori CA, Todman H, Gray-Hammerton CJ, Pritchard ACW, Iles E, Cook R, Emes RD, Jones MA, Kypraios T, West H, Barrett DA, Ramsden SJ, Gomes RL, Hudson C, Millard AD, Raman S, Morris C, Dodd CER, Kreft J-U, Hobman JL, Stekel DJ (2022). Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control. Environment International 169: 107516

This will be presented by Jan Kreft, here the pdf:

By Jan Kreft

Jan-Ulrich Kreft's brief research interests and biography

I am a microbiologist turned mathematical modeller. My research interests revolve around the interactions between microorganisms with each other, the environment and host organisms. I believe we need to use mathematical modelling to make quantitative predictions that can be challenged by data so we can test our understanding of nature. For example, I have applied mathematical modelling to understand the dynamics of resistance plasmids in the environment where spatial structure and a diversity of microbes are prevalent yet disregarded in laboratory experiments. Recently, I started modelling activated sludge to look at AMR dynamics in sewage treatment.

I studied biology at the Universities of Konstanz and Tübingen in Germany, then did my PhD with Professor Bernhard Schink at Konstanz, looking at the biochemistry of anaerobic degradation of plant compounds in the then newly discovered, weird anaerobe we later named Holophaga foetida. After this, I decided to go into mathematical modelling to be able to address fundamental questions. I obtained a DFG fellowship and went to Professor Julian Wimpenny at Cardiff University, where I started individual-based modelling of microbes. I then joined the Theoretical Biology group at the University of Bonn in Germany as a “Wissenschaftlicher Assistent”, where I broadened my research topics and mathematical methods. I joined the University of Birmingham in 2007 as a Lecturer in Computational Biology (Assistant Professor), now Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) and took this opportunity to start my own wet lab to be better able to test and parameterize my mathematical models.

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