I was born in Poland where I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Wroclaw. During the first year of my master’s I spent 5 months in Paris at the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology where I was involved in research investigating the enzymatic activity of RNase Y in Bacillus subtilis. Subsequently, for my master thesis I joined the Department of Cytobiochemistry at University of Wroclaw. My project was focused on understanding the interactions between three membrane proteins involved in membrane raft formation. Following this, I spent 7 months in Potsdam in Germany, at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, where I was working on a project focused on detecting protein-small molecule complexes in bacteria.
Scientific work gives me great pleasure and satisfaction. Thus, in May 2018, I applied for the Early Stage Researcher position (Project 5) in the TAPAS programme. Since September 2018, I have been a PhD student at the University of Reading. After 14 months in the UK, I will be moving to the Netherlands for a 2-month secondment at the Pivot Park Screening Centre. Following this, I will spend a year at University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, before returning to Reading for the last 8 months of my PhD.
The aim of my TAPAS project is to develop a reconstituted artificial lipid membrane platform as an experimental approach to test and validate signal manipulation of GPVI intracellular macromolecular assembly and regulation. Receptor signalling components reconstituted on artificial lipid membranes will enable the dynamics of macromolecular assembly to be measured and the molecular behaviour of signalling components to be studied in ways that cannot be achieved using intact platelets. Advanced microscopy such as single molecule tracking and super resolution microscopy will visualise signalling complex assembly in real time and quantify macromolecular assembly size and density.