ESR 3: Innovative methods to study proteomic signatures of glycoprotein receptor signaling

Host: Leibniz-Institut Fur Analytische Wissenschaften-ISAS, Germany

Supervisory team: Albert Sickmann (ISAS); Johan Heemskerk and Hugo ten Cate (Maastricht University); Angel Garcia (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Project locations: ISAS, Dortmund, Germany (Year 1 & 3), Maastricht University, The Netherlands (Year 1 & 2), University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Year 3)

Joint PhD Degree: Maastricht University and University of Santiago

Project details: The project aims to develop novel techniques to study the role of glycoprotein receptor clustering in thrombosis. In Dortmund, the project starts to establish skillful application of innovative chemical crosslinking to detect receptor clustering and direct interaction proteins. The proteomics data will enable to get a big picture into glycoprotein receptors topology and stoichiometry of larger protein assemblies, provide information about low affinity binders and gain insight into role of posttranslational modification in glycoprotein receptor clustering and signaling. In Maastricht the application of custom build microfluidic device will shed light on the kinetics of the platelet signaling processes along their functional responses during the modulation of receptor clustering. In Santiago de Compostela this technology will be used to develop further functional and signalling studies, and analyse how they are altered by novel biologics and small molecule inhibitors. The scientific outcome will determine how novel biologics and small molecule inhibitors affect receptor clustering in platelets and contribute to a therapeutic approach of thrombosis.

Reference: Beck F, Temporal quantitative phosphoproteomics of ADP stimulation reveals novel central nodes in platelet activation and inhibition. Blood. 2017;129:e1-e12.

Desirable student skills: strong chemistry with biochemistry skills, crosslinking experience

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