ESR 13: Generation and functional testing of novel biologics targeting glycoprotein receptors

Host: University of Reading, UK

Supervisory team: Craig Hughes and Jon Gibbins (University of Reading, UK), Bernhard Nieswandt and David Stegner (University of Würzburg, Germany) and Helma Rutjes (Pivot Park Screening Centre, Netherlands)

Project locations: University of Reading (Year 1 and 3); University of Würzburg (Year 3); PPSC (Year 3 (first 3 months))

Joint PhD Degree: University of Reading and University of Würzburg

Project details: ESR13 will generate novel biologics (nanobodies and antibodies) to target the glycoprotein receptor CLEC-2 in humans.  The potential of these novel agents to modulate receptor clustering and platelet function will be assessed using both in vitro and in vivo approaches (both in Reading and Würzburg), some of which will be new techniques developed by other ESRs in the consortium. They will also be used to investigate how these receptors form clusters upon activation, via super-resolution microscopy.  This innovative approach will allow us to understand how receptor clustering regulated platelet activation and function.  A goal of the project is to identify biologics which could therefore target receptor clustering to potentially treat human disease.  A 3 month secondment at Pivot Park Screening Centre (Netherlands) will provide experience in the development of drug screening platforms, and potential for the development of novel screens for molecules that modulate receptor clustering and platelet activation.

Desirable student skills: Biochemistry, Protein chemistry, Cell biologist

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