Populism in Action’s Daniele Albertazzi Quoted in Belgium’s Knack Magazine

Populism in Action’s Daniele Albertazzi was quoted in Knack, a major current affairs weekly published in Belgium’s Flanders region. His comments appear in a substantial feature article published online on 8th December 2020, which explores the shifting contours of right-wing politics in Europe.
Key insights shared with the magazine include reflections on recent developments in Italy, with Dr. Albertazzi saying:
To everyone’s surprise, the Five Star Movement formed a new government with the center-left Partito Democratico (PD). Salvini has disregarded the main rule of Italian politics…. which states: “anything is possible”. At the beginning of this year, he also lost the regional elections in Emilia-Romagna, after shouting from the rooftops for months that he would oust the PD from power. He has lost his aura of invincibility, and he owes that entirely to himself.
The full (Dutch language) article can be read here (paywalled)