Welcome to the Populism in Action Project’s New Website

Over the last couple of months the Populism in Action Project (PiAP) team have been hard at work developing a brand new standalone online home for the project. Hosted by our primary home institution the University of Birmingham, the new PiAP website is a bright shop front for the project’s trademark incisive short form analysis of populist parties and movements in Europe, as well as a one stop hub for connecting with us, whether at events or via social media. For the remainder of the project’s duration we look forward to using it as a portal through which you can access our work and enhance your understanding of contemporary populist party organisation and strategy.
If you would like to receive occasional succinct and in-depth Briefs summarising our research findings, as well as invites to events associated with the project, you can join our mailing list here.
Moving to a new website of our own offers us a chance to deepen and expand our ties to EA Worldview – as that project also develops – as it continues to be the project’s primary media partner. We look forward to continuing to share the fruits of our research via that platform as well into 2021 and beyond.