Past Talks

20 June 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Lukrecia Mertova (Gryn’ova group) — “Recognition and Semantic Interpretation of Chemical Entities in Tabular Data”
6 June 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Troubleshooting HPC cluster jobs and validating the results of materials simulation
23 May 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Guest talk from the Birmingham Environment for Academic Research team
9 May 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Short demonstrations of scientific visualisation software from PhD members
25 Apr 14:00-15:00 — Molecular Sciences Building G46
  • Dr Ganna (Anya) Gryn’ova — “Computational Carbon Chemistry”

11 Apr 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Good and bad practices in scientific figure production
28 Mar 14:00-15:00 — Molecular Sciences Building G46
  • Dr Michael Ferguson (Friščić group) — “Practical Introduction to Molecular Dynamics”
14 Mar 14:00-15:00 — Met/Mat G03
  • Challenges facing PhD students in computational science
29 Feb 2-3pm — Molecular Sciences Building G46
  • Mario (AJM)
  • Jack (NW)
15 Feb 2-3pm — Met/Mat G03
  • Bastien (DOS)
  • Chris (DOS)
  • Chandan (LC)
1 Feb 2-3pm — Molecular Sciences Building G46
  • Jatinder (BC)
  • Euan (DC) — “Investigating topological structures in tetrahedral network liquids”
  • Tahlia (AALM) — “Modelling temperature-dependent properties of FOX-7”

18 Jan 2-3 pm — Met/Mat G03

  • Adam (DC)
  • Dan (DOS)


7 Dec 2-3 pm : M/M GC13
  • Chris (AJM)
  • Toni (TF)
  • Harry (NW)

23 Nov 2-3 pm : M/M GC13

  • Peter (AALM)
  • Alex (DOS)
  • Jay (DC)

9th November 2–3 pm (HA203)

  • “There’s no such thing as ‘no such thing as a stupid question'” – A. J. Morris
  • Arun (DC)
  • Keiran (DOS)
  • Katie (AALM)

26th October 2–3 pm (M&M GC13)

  • Alessandro and Beñat’s Group introductions
  • Mateusz (AALM)

12th October (HA203)

  • Introductions to research groups (Part II)

28th September (HA203)

  • Introductions to research groups (Part I)


  • 5th Feb 1pm-2pm M&M 2C30 – Beñat’s Group “Trying to figure out dynamic contactmechanics”


  • 11th December 2019 M&M – 2C28  1pm-2pm“Neural Networks”, [Stand in lecture] Mark Ward
  • 27th November 2019 M&M – 2C28  1pm-2pm “Computational analysis for lithium-ion battery development in industry.” Wataru Sekine, (AJM Group)
  • 13th  November 2019 M&M – 2C30  1pm-2pmJoseph Moses, “Modelling Thermodynamic Stability of Oxides During Titanium Casting” (NW Group)
  • 30th October 2019 M&M – 2C28  1pm-2pm “General theory of the Kanzaki force field” — Beñat Gurrutxaga Lerma
  • 16th October 2019 M&M – 2C28 1pm-2pmLithium Phase Diagram Determination with Nested Sampling” — Jordan Dorrell
    “Atomistic Spin Dynamics Simulations of Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory” — Andrea Iliceto
  • 4th July 2019 – Haworth 209A – Modelling Opportunities in 4D Materials Research. –– Biao Cai
  • 13 June 2019 – M&M 1C19 – “An Excursion into the Lattice-Switch Monte Carlo Method” — Andreas Neophytou
  • 30 May 2019 – M&M 1C19 – “My PhD — The Story so Far!” — Helen Abbott
  •  16 May 2019 – (M&M 1C19) – A General Discussion on our Current Problems in Materials Modelling, led by Mark Ward.
  • 4th April 2019 – (Haworth 209A) – “Introduction to the phase field method for modelling microstructure evolution in alloys.” — Nils Warken
  • 21st March 2019 – M&M – 1C19 – Setting up heat transfer simulation for additive manufacturing — Rezvan Gharenbaghi and Ali .
  • 7th March 2019 – (Haworth 209A) – “A field theory of dislocations and emergent behaviour”, Hector Basoalto
  • 21st February 2019 – M&M – 2C30 – “A new Parallel Pool Genetic Algorithm for the global optimisation and energy landscape exploration of finite clusters”, John Hey
  • 7th February 2019 – (Haworth 209A) – “First Principles Modelling of EELs Spectra” Andrew J. Morris.
  • 24th January 2019 – M&M – 2C28 – “Diffusion in hcp-Ti”  – Alessandro Mottura.
  • 10th January 2019 – (Haworth 209A) – CANCELLED


  • 13th December 2018 – (Haworth 209A) – “Rapid thermal simulation and analysis for solidification” – Mark Ward
  • 29th November 2018 – (Room 111 in Chem Eng) 
    “Colloids Get Creative: Key to Open Crystals” – Dwaipayan Chakrabarti, “Morphological reorganisation by polymer H-bonding” – Tom Wilks
  • 15th November 2018 – (Haworth 209A) – “Use of First-Principles To Engineer Planar Fault Energies In Superalloys” – Josh Allen
  • 1st November 2018 – (2C30) – “Modelling Batteries” – Andrew J. Morris
  • 18th October 2018 – (Harworth 209A) – Five Minute Round-Table – Everyone introduces themselves to the group.
  • 3rd October 2018 – (1C19, Met and Mat) – Open Discussion on the future of MSMDG
  • 19th September 2018 – (Canceled due to M&M timetabling clash)