Am I allowed to co-present with someone else?
Yes, you can co-present multiple papers, but you can only present at most one talk as a single or first author.
What is the difference between the presentation types?
A 20 minute talk is most suitable for those wishing to present findings or longer discussions about methodological or theoretical concepts. This is the type of presentation you see most commonly at conferences. The 10 minute ‘lightning’ talk is gaining popularity at conferences and is most suitable for research summaries or a brief discussion of a few key points about your research. We recommend this presentation if you are at the earlier stages of your research programme. The poster presentation, as with most conferences, is suitable for presenting ideas or findings in a succinct and more visual way.
I have an accepted oral presentation. What does this mean for me?
We will provide more explicit instructions closer to the conference when you receive your acceptation notification. For now, presentations will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and discussion or 10 minutes with time for questions and discussion at the end of the session. The chair of the session will provide time prompts so that we can maintain a fair schedule for all presenters.
I have an accepted poster presentation. What does this mean for me?
We will provide more explicit instructions closer to the conference when you receive your acceptation notification.
What online platform will you be using?
The conference’s virtual platform will be Zoom (www.zoom.us). A programme with relevant Zoom links will be provided to all online delegates before the conference date.
What happens if I cannot give a live presentation?
All efforts will be made to ensure that the conference is as accessible as possible. However, we can also offer the possibility of streaming pre-recorded talks during the conference for those who cannot present their presentation live.
I am not currently in the UK. What time is the conference for me?
Please consult a Time Zone Converter to find out what time the conference will be running local to you.
If your enquiry hasn’t been answered here, please email e.parr@bham.ac.uk.