About BELP

Birmingham English Language Postgraduate Conference (BELP)
Friday 21st April 2023
Welcome to the BELP conference, open to all University of Birmingham students whose research relates to language and linguistics. BELP is held annually by postgraduate students in the Department of English Language and Linguistics.
BELP has been running since 1998 and provides researchers with the opportunity to present their research and network with other researchers in the field of English Language and Applied Linguistics. This year, the conference will be hosted as a hybrid event, both on the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston campus and on the Zoom video conferencing platform.
Where: University of Birmingham & Zoom
Entry: free
Find us on Twitter: @PGTipsUoB

Key Dates for 2023
Abstracts due: Friday 17th February
Applicants notified: Friday 10th March
Programme announced: Friday 17th March
In-person registration deadline: Tuesday 4th April
Online registration deadline: Monday 17th April
Conference: Friday 21st April

Eloise Parr – co-organiser of BELP 2023