Homes for Ukraine
A team of researchers from the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham, directed by Professor Jenny Phillimore, created this toolkit with the aim of collating in one single platform documents, website links and resources that can be used for all stakeholders involved in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. This toolkit incorporates information on the scheme available in Ukrainian and also considers specific resources produced by the four nations: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, as well as websites created by the Local Authorities and charities working to match hosts and guests.
This toolkit is intended to be used as a check list of factors that hosts and guests might consider when matching, during the pre-arrival phase, the first weeks after the arrival, and for medium and longer term integration. It also includes some guidance on how to have difficult conversations for hosts and guests. We hope this tool will help all those working on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as well as hosts and guests.
Please let us know if this tool was helpful for you and if you have any suggestions about how to improve it. Contact at: m.reyes@bham.ac.uk
H4U Toolkit team: Jenny Phillimore, Marisol Reyes, Gabriella D’Avino and Olga Andrushchakevych.
(If you are having issues with the dropdowns below, we suggest you try using the Chrome browser)
If you are still living in Ukraine or other country and you want to apply to travel in the UK.
The names of the programmes created by the UK Government when you apply from outside of the UK are Family Scheme or Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine).
Apply for the Ukraine Family Scheme
Apply for the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine)
It is important that you apply for being a guest in the UK based on your personal situation. Please see below:
If you have a valid Ukrainian international passport and you can use the ID Check app
Please kindly see the description of each step in the below link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-visa-under-the-ukraine-sponsorship-scheme#apply.
- You will have created a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account when you applied using the ID Check app
- You will need to use your UKVI account credentials to sign into the View and Prove service on GOV.UK, where you can access information about your immigration status (your eVisa):
If you have an expired Ukrainian international passport with a formal extension stamp.
You can use the stamp in your passport, or your entry clearance vignette attached to your passport or to a FAV (or another document given to you at the border). This provides proof of your UK immigration status to ensure you can access the benefits and services you are entitled to during that period. However you must apply to extend your stay within six months of the date you entered the UK, to continue to live and work in the UK.
Please kindly see the information to apply for a visa
- You can’t use the ‘UK Immigration ID check’ app if your passport has expired even if it has a formal extension stamp issued by the Ukrainian government.
- You don’t need to attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information. Instead, you must give your biometric information within 6 months of arriving in the UK.
During your application you must provide copies of both:
- The page of your expired passport
- The page of your expired passport with the formal extension stamp
You can upload electronically these documents using the commercial partner document upload app once you’ve completed your application. This will be either by the companies TLS Contact or VFS Global depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS Contact or VFS Global website when you make your application. If you need support to upload copies of your documents, you can still book an appointment at a visa application centre.
If you don’t have a valid Ukrainian international passport, or an expired Ukrainian international passport with a formal extension stamp by the Ukrainian government
You will need to book and attend an appointment at a visa application centre (VAC) outside the UK. This also applies to child applicants. The VAC in Ukraine is closed, however, there are other VACs operating throughout Europe including:
Documents you can upload online before your visit the Visa Application Centres (VAC). During the online application process you’ll be asked to upload copies of any identity documents you may have such as:
- A Ukrainian national identity card
- A combination of official documents – for example, a photo driving license and birth certificate
- An emergency certificate issued by a Ukrainian authority since March 2022
It is not mandatory to provide these documents but it may help support your application if you are able to. You can upload your documents using a commercial partner document upload app. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.
What is going to happen at the VAC?
You will need to have your photograph and fingerprints taken at a visa application centre (VAC). Children under the age of 5 will not have their fingerprints taken but they still need to book and attend a VAC appointment and have a digital photograph taken.
At the VAC you will be given:
- A paper document called an entry clearance vignette, attached to your passport or to a Form for Affixing a Visa (FAV), to use when travelling to the UK
- A letter outlining the next steps including collection of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
- You also need to confirm the address at which you expected to be living in the UK. VAC staff will have helped you to select a UK Post Office near the address, where your BRP will be made available for collection.
You should collect your Biometric Residence Permit as soon as possible after arriving in the UK.
If you can’t use the app and you have a valid Ukrainian international passport you don’t need to attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information. Instead, you must give your biometric information within 6 months of arriving in the UK.
Help once you have a UK visa account (UKVI)
If you need help viewing or using your UKVI account or online services, you can contact the UKVI Resolution Centre. Telephone: 0300 790 6268 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays), 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday, 9:30am to 4:30pm If you cannot contact UK 0300 numbers, use +44 (0)203 875 4669.
The Resolution Centre provides telephone and email support to all UKVI account holders and can also help if you are experiencing technical issues. If you need access to a device or the internet, many local libraries have computers where you can access the internet, and in some locations, printing facilities. Please visit your local library to access these facilities.
If you are in the UK and have not applied to any of the Ukraine Schemes
If Ukrainian nationals and their family members are in the UK and hold any valid UK visa, or held one that expired on or after 1 January 2022 they can apply to the Ukraine Extension Scheme: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-to-stay-in-the-uk-under-the-ukraine-extension-scheme If Ukrainian nationals are in the UK and have not applied to any of the Ukraine Schemes, they should visit for information about the available immigration routes.
You can get support in a helpline: +44 (0) 808 164 8810. Select option 1
Identifying a host in the UK
Identify a matching scheme in the UK
Do you have a preferred location in the UK? (Y/N) Note as time goes on there are fewer and fewer places so you may have to compromise on location. If yes where in the UK?
Do you prefer to live in a household with specific characteristics like:
A. Family; B. Couple without children; C. Single individual; D. Gay couple; E. Other (mention) – again remember choices are becoming more limited
Are you coming with other family members or companions (Y/N)
If yes, how many more (names, relationships, ages, genders)
Do you, or your companions have special requirements? (Y/N)
If yes, describe special requirements to your potential hosts
Do you have a pet? (Y/N) Check potential hosts are happy to house your pets
If yes, describe pet and age and email the Animal and Plant Health Agency: pettravel@apha.gov.uk
Call +44 3000 200 301 and select option 2
Does the host have any pets? (Y/N)
If yes, what type of pets would be a problem?
What rooms can your potential host offer? Is there enough space for you
How/where will you cook? Together, taking it in turns or separately?
Do you or your companions smoke? (Y/N) Is the host ok with that? Do they smoke, is that something you can live with?
Are you or your companions vegetarian? (Y/N) Is the potential host vegetarian? Are they ok for you to cook meat?
Indicate to guest’s group your COVID vaccination status
Explore each other’s interests and hobbies
Describe guest/guest’s group personalities
What are the house rules that your potential host keeps?
The Government pays a monthly fee to hosts for accommodating guests but hosts can charge extra to cover utility and food costs. What charges will your host ask you to pay? How often will they ask for that money?
Are you happy to adapt yourself (and companions) to the rules and routines of your host? (Y/N)
Are there other things that your host should be aware of?
First weeks after the arrival
Agree with your hosts if they can meet you in the airport or at a train station. If you want to travel by yourself remember that all Ukrainians arriving in the UK will have 48 hours from arrival to access free tickets and complete their journey. Mainly National Rail UK, Eurostar. Show your passport with stamp, visa or documents provided by the UK. You can check the connection options at Google Maps (transport, timetable) or train connections
Your conditions in the UK
Study conditions You are allowed to study. If you are aged 18 or over, any study is subject to the condition that you must obtain an ATAS certificate, if required to do so under Appendix ATAS of the Immigration Rules. Guidance on whether you need to obtain an ATAS certificate for your intended study
If you are aged 16 or under, you are required by law to go to school. You may take a part-time job if you are over 12, but you must meet all the relevant national and local employment regulations that apply. At the end of the school year, after you are 16, you can leave school. You have a choice as to what to do next. Information you need about your choices
Work conditions You can work in the UK; including paid and unpaid employment, paid and unpaid work placements undertaken as part of a course or period of study, self-employment and engaging in business or any professional activity. If you are aged 18 or under, view more information on child employment laws
Public funds condition You can apply for public funds (benefits and services), find out about individual benefits and who is eligible to access them
Note on conditions Failure to comply with the conditions of your stay is a criminal offence and may also lead to your permission to stay being cancelled and future applications being refused.
Your personal information The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
Your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
You will have to collect your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) when you arrive in the UK. Your BRP is evidence of your permission to enter and stay in the UK. When you collect your BRP you must take your passport/travel document and your permission to travel letter. You must also take this notice as it will help the Post Office staff to locate your BRP quickly. If you need to change the location where you will collect your BRP, contact the Post Office branch location above to request the redirection and pay the fee. You will then be able to collect your BRP from the new location 7 days after your request.
Collecting your BRP at a Post Office if aged under 18
If you are under 18 years old and will be collecting your BRP from a Post Office it is very important that you read page 8 of the guidance before going to the Post Office. You must be accompanied by a “Responsible Adult”, or you will be turned away by the Post Office staff. Your parent or legal guardian can be your Responsible Adult but only if they are collecting their own BRP at the same time. In all other cases the adult who will accompany you must be approved in advance by the Home Office, even if they are your parent or legal guardian.
Sharing information about your immigration status
Employers, landlords or other organisation may need to check your immigration status to see if you are allowed to work, rent property or access services. You can use the ‘view and prove’ service to share relevant information about your immigration status with someone else. You will need to select the correct reason why you are sharing your status information, to ensure the right information is shared. You will then be provided with a share code to give to the person with whom you want to share your information. This share code will give that person time limited access to the relevant information. You will also need to give them your date of birth, to prove they have your permission to check your information.
When you are using services provided by UK government departments and other public authorities, e.g. benefits and healthcare, the Home Office will increasingly make the relevant information immigration status available automatically through system-to-system checks, so that you won’t need to prove your entitlements. Find out more about your UKVI account, e-Visa, and details on how to use these services. You can also use our online service to prove your right to work or prove your right to rent as well as using the view and prove service.
Apply for a National Insurance Number (NINo)
Where you have permission to work in the UK, the Department for Work and Pensions will, where possible, provide you with a NINo. This number is unique to you and will not change. Do not share it with anyone who does not need to know it. You can start work if you do not have a NINo as you have the right to work in the UK. You can view your NINo by logging onto your online account and looking at the “View and Prove” service. If there is no NINo recorded there, you must visit www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance to apply for one if you intend to work. You should apply for a NINo as soon as you can and give your NINo to your employer when you receive it. This will help ensure that you pay the correct amount of tax and national insurance and that your contributions are correctly recorded, as these can affect your entitlement to benefits and a pension.
Apply for Universal Credit Universal Credit is a form of welfare benefit designed to cover the basic living costs of individuals without work or to top up wages considered insufficient to meet those basic costs. Information on financial support (including for Universal Credit) for Ukrainians in English and in Ukrainian
The sooner you apply, the sooner you will receive your first payments, the payments are not backdated.
Have a detailed conversation with your host to learn about aspects like the rules of the house, timetables, routines, use of appliances, rota for cooking, pets’ care, explaining your needs and all what you think it is necessary to create a harmonic relationship.
Get a sim card to make calls in the UK
Information on the best pre-paid SIM cards. Free SIM cards for Ukrainians are offered by the UK mobile operators Vodafone and Three.
Find a school place for children in the UK
Information on choosing a school.
Every guest will be entitled to a £200 interim payment to help with subsistence costs. This is provided by the local council.
Apply for Child Benefit
Everyone in the UK earning an individual income under £50,000 is entitled to apply for Child Benefit for each of their children.
If you want to find missing family in Ukraine contact the British Red Cross Email: findyour_family@redcross.org.uk
Register with the GP and Dentist NHS
Apply for free childcare in the UK
Apply for provisional driving licence
Apply for your first provisional driving licence.
Keep handy contact information for supporting Ukrainians in the UK
Barnardo’s (England)
Phone: 0800 148 8586 Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm Saturday, 10am to 3pm. Calls are free from mobiles and landlines.
Email: ukrainiansupport@barnardos.org.uk
The Scottish Refugee Council (Scotland)
Phone: 08081967274
Sanctuary (The Welsh Government)
Phone: 0808 175 1508 or use +44(0) 20 4542 5671.
The Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Northern Ireland)
Phone: 078 7852 587
The British Red Cross is giving £50 financial support for Ukrainian guests. Please use the British Red Cross Support line number 08081963651 open daily between 10-6pm. It is required to show passport evidence and visa stamp to claim £50 per person up to maximum family of 6 within 14 days of arrival.
After the first months of arrival in the UK
Travelling in and out of the UK
You should not book travel outside of the UK until you receive your BRP. Doing so may mean that you fail to receive your BRP. If you fail to carry your BRP with you when you travel, you may be unable to prove your immigration status in the UK, and you may experience delays at the UK border when you return while further checks are made. However, to prevent unnecessary delays at the border, it is important to ensure the document you travel on is registered to your UKVI account, which you can do by updating your details if you intend to travel on a different document (for example a new passport). When you tell them of a new document your old document will remain linked to your account, and where it is still valid you can use either document to travel. If you have told them of a new document but are still awaiting confirmation that your account has been updated you should, if possible, carry your old document as well.
Check your eVisa
Your eVisa is a secure record and proof of your immigration status which is held digitally by the Home Office and which is available to you at all times. Please check now that you can access your UKVI account and that the information on your eVisa is correct. To check your eVisa, use your UKVI account sign in details to log in to the ‘view and prove’ service
To sign into your UKVI account you will need details of the identity document, your date of birth and the phone number or email address you used when you created your account. If you have used the ‘update details’ function in the ‘view and prove’ service to update the details of your identity document or sign in details since you created your UKVI account, you will need to use these updated details to access your account. Contact the UKVI If you have any problems using the service, you no longer have access to your account sign in details or if anything on your eVisa is incorrect.
View information on your right to work
Find support for your wellbeing
Planning for the end of support
When your permission to stay ends
If you want to stay in the UK after your current permission ends, you must make a new application for permission to stay before your current permission ends. We recommend you apply no more than 28 days before your current permission ends.
Advice on finding a home with a private landlord, rent and costs, tenancy agreement, disputes and end of tenancy
Options for individuals who are looking to rent but cannot afford a deposit or rent in advance.
Guidance on how to rent a property in England.
Resources for hosts and guests on what happens when leaving the host’s house.
Helpful considerations if you want to apply to be a host
Have you checked if the accommodation you are offering is safe, suitable and big enough for the number of guests?
Have you checked with your landlord or mortgage provider to ensure you can offer a room?
Have you checked with your home insurance provider that you can offer a room?
Decide what access guests will have to other parts of your property and to your property’s facilities (e.g., washing machine, cook, telephone)? Are there any restrictions? Make sure you tell the guest before matching.
Think about and discuss house rules (e.g., smoking in the house and alcohol consumption)?
Have all household members, including children, been consulted and agreed to take on the responsibility of hosting someone?
Think about what you can offer as a host. Is this realistic? Make sure you explain your offer to prospective guests.
What are you expecting from a guest? Make sure you explain this to them before finalising the match.
What are the house rules? Have you communicated these to prospective guests? Are they clear and unambiguous?
Have you thought about potential concerns to you or your family of having an unrelated person(s) living in your home? How will you reduce these concerns?
What do you know about the differences in lifestyles and culture of your prospective guests? Will you see these differences as a learning experience or will it make you anxious?
How will your guests and their luggage reach you from the airport?
Are you comfortable with safeguarding and DBS checks being undertaken on you and all other adults in your household?
Do you know how to identify safeguarding concerns? And how and where to go to report it?
If you are considering hosting a family with children, is your house suitable for children? If so, what ages can you suitably accommodate? Are you prepared for potential disruption? It is important to understand that small children are very difficult to control.
Are you happy to share your kitchen and bathroom space?
How will food preparation and consumption take place? Will you cook together, take it in turns or offer allocated time slots? When should washing and wiping up take place? Whose responsibility is it?
You will need to give a house key to your guest – are you ok with that?
Will you be comfortable allowing people to stay in your home if you go on holiday?
If you have pets, have you considered how this will affect your guest(s); what if they have allergies and fears? What if they have pets? Will their pets get on with your pets?
Having a guest in your house will impact your day-to-day life and they might not behave in the way you expected. How resilient are you to change?
How do you deal with frustration or conflict?
Guests who have experienced trauma may tell you about very distressing experiences, or they may not want to say much at all about what they have been through. How will you deal with this?
Are you able to respect other people’s boundaries, including if a guest chooses not to share their time or their ‘story’ with you?
Are you able to respect hosts’ private and family life, including guests’ parenting styles which may differ markedly from your own?
Would the location of your house present a barrier to the individuals you are hosting? For example, is there good public transport that will enable them to access support networks and travel independently?
How will hosting impact your financial outgoings e.g. utility bills, council tax or rent, insurance etc.? Will the £350 monthly payment be sufficient? Do you intend to make any further charges i.e. for food and utility bills? Make sure you discuss this with your guests before you agree a match.
Is your Wi-Fi good enough to meet the needs of guests who will be using their devices to stay in touch with relatives and friends?
We know that things don’t always work out and relationships break down. What would you do in this situation, what support might you need and where would you and your guest go to get help?
Would you be able to let your guest(s) stay longer than the initial 6 months?
From matching process to preparation before guests’ arrival
Have the local authorities checked the offered accommodation?
Have you had a DBS check and other adults living on the property?
Have you thought about household rules and how to communicate them?
Have you considered attending training and learning more about supporting refugees?
Have you thought about safeguarding issues, and when and how to report them?
Have you prepared a welcome pack for the guest?
After arrival – first weeks
Have you arranged to welcome your guest/s at the airport or provided them with information on how to get to your house by public transport?
Has your guest been provided with a welcome pack?
Have you informed the guest about your household rules?
Has your guest applied for a BRP?
Has your guest claimed the interim payment of £200 at the local council?
Has your guest opened a bank account?
Has your guest been registered with welfare services (e.g., GP, Universal Credit) with your support?
Has your guest applied for a National Insurance Number?
Have hosted children applied for a school place?
Has your guest accessed help to search for a job?
Category | Explanation |
Differences in the terms: – England -Great Britain -United Kingdom | These three terms do not all mean the same thing: ‘England’ refers to the country itself. ‘Great Britain’ includes the mainland of England, Scotland and Wales ‘United Kingdom’ includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland |
Languages | English is the dominant language, however there are native languages that some British can speak too, including Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Scots, Ulster Scots, Irish Gaelic and Cornish but apart from Welsh these are rarely used. In the UK there are over 50 accents which change noticeably every 25 miles. Some British accents which are very distinctive include: Glaswegian (Glasgow); Geordie (Newcastle and Tyneside); Scouse (Merseyside); Black Country (Wolverhampton, Dudley and Walsall areas); West and South Yorkshire; Leicestershire; Cockney (Greater London); Essex. As a multi-national country, the UK has a few other languages spoken across the country. The second most spoken, non-native language in the UK is Polish. The next commonly spoken languages come from India and Pakistan: Punjabi, Bengali and Gujarati. These are followed by Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese and French |
Population | Around 66 million people live in the UK. Approximately 55 million people live in England, while around 5.4 million people live in Scotland, 3 million in Wales and 1.9 million in Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK/England is London; in Northern Ireland is Belfast; in Scotland is Edinburgh and in Wales is Cardiff. The UK has a very diverse population and it is considered a multicultural country with long-established populations of people who came from the former British colonies and elsewhere who are British citizens. The UK’s culture has evolved over decades so that multiculture is embedded in daily life for example with white British routinely consuming dishes originating in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China. |
Regional economy | The UK has larger geographical differences than many other developed countries with a large gap between London and most other regions contributing to substantial differences in living standards. Places with particularly high levels of deprivation, such as former mining communities, outlying urban estates and seaside towns have the highest levels of community need and poor health for the people who grow up there. Some of the UK’s most successful cities in the last years are Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and Cardiff. |
Royal Family | The UK has a Royal Family and King Charles III has been the head of that family since 2022 when he took over the throne from Queen Elizabeth II who was the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the UK. |
Government | The UK has a constitutional monarchy with parliamentary government. The Queen is the UK’s Head of State, but the Parliament has the power to change the laws and make new ones. |
Education | The UK education system is split into primary education (for children between the ages of four to 11), secondary education (for children between the ages of 11 to 16), and tertiary or further education. It is a legal requirement for children to be in education until they are 18 years old. With the appropriate qualifications anyone can attend university in the UK – British citizens and Ukrainian refugees can access loans that will cover university fees and living costs. These are repaid once students graduate and gain employment – sometimes over many years. |
Religion | The UK is multi-cultural and multi-faith country. The largest religion in the UK is Christianity, with 33.2 million people (59% of the population) declaring this as their religion. The second-largest religion is Islam, with 2.7 million people (5% of the population) and around a quarter of the UK population practise no religion. Over time, there has been a dramatic decline in the proportion of people who identify with Christianity along with a substantial increase in those with no religious affiliation, and a steady increase in those belonging to non-Christian faiths. The UK prides itself in being a tolerant society where cultural and religious differences are celebrated and the religion in everyday life. |
Money in the UK | The currency in the UK is the Pound Sterling (£). There are 100p (p stands for pennies or pence) to every £1. Cash machines (ATMs) are easy to find and are usually free to use. You can pay by debit or with credit card almost everywhere in the UK. Cash is sometimes required at very small shops, outdoor markets, some pubs and cafes, local buses and for taxis. |
Cost of living in the UK | The cost of living in the UK is high in comparison to many other European countries. London is significantly more expensive than other parts of the UK, with everything from housing and rent to food and drink and transport costing much more. |
Job opportunities | The best places in the UK for find a job are: The North-West follows London in a new study of job vacancies for 18 of the UK Visa Bureau’s most in-demand job industries. More demand for Engineers and Nurses in the North-West than any other region.Demand for finance sector workers in London 55% higher than the national averageSecondary Teachers experiencing highest demand in the South-West Source: https://civvystreetmagazine.co.uk/2018/05/best-places-in-the-uk-to-find-work-britains-job-demand-map/ |
Police and emergency numbers | If you are lost, ask a policeman or woman for assistance – they are courteous, approachable and helpful. Traffic wardens may also be able to help you with directions. If you have been the victim of a crime or if you or someone are/is seriously ill or injured, or your/their life is at risk, you should always call 999. If you need medical help fast, but it is not life-threatening call, call 111. |
Naming conventions | In the UK, the first name is also known as ‘the Christian name’, although this has little to do with religion today. This is traditionally followed by a middle name and then the family name which in the UK is known as the surname. |
Major celebrations | Major celebrations in the UK calendar include Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December), New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, the Queen’s Birthday on the second Saturday in June. Other celebrations are known as Bank Holidays: May Day, celebrated on 1st May, the Spring Bank Holiday on the last weekend of May and the Summer Bank Holiday on the last weekend of August. Bank Holidays take place at the weekend with most other businesses and institutions closed on the following Monday. |
Typical Food | Traditional British food includes fish and chips, full English breakfast, Sunday roast dinners, Yorkshire pudding, Cornish pasties, cream tea, pies, haggis, local cheese, and of course plenty of tea and cake. However Britain is a multicultural society and the British embrace many culinary styles such as Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and Italian, cooking these dishes at home regularly. |
Greetings | The etiquette when greeting is to shake hands with all those present when you first meet them. At social or business meetings, it is polite to also shake hands upon leaving. Handshakes should not be too hearty, just a light friendly touch. Outside of London, expect a variety of greetings when you meet local people. These include ‘alright pet’ and ‘ey up duck’ and ‘hiya’ is an informal greeting used throughout the country. |
Child rearing | It’s generally acceptable for women to publicly breastfeed in the UK.Many people in the UK express the opinion that kids should be allowed to fall and hurt themselves, because it’s a learning experience, however, until children are 12 years old they are generally accompanied by an adult when they attend primary school or when they go out in the streets. Children should attend school regularly.British consider that children need to have good numbers of hours sleep and therefore encourage them to go to bed early at least until they go to High School at 11 years of age.More than 90% of English children wear uniforms to school. There is broad agreement that uniforms are a good idea—that they improve discipline and focus, and level class distinctions.UK school calendars are split into three terms, with most schools having additional half-term breaks in the middle of each term meaning that children generally get six breaks per school year.It is legal to take photographs in public, even of other people or children, without the permission of the people in the photograph (or their parents, in the case of children) but it is polite to ask permission and you should not take photos of strangers without asking first.British parents tend to explain their children why they shouldn’t do something instead of just setting rules for them.British tend to encourage children to practice a sport and/or play a musical instrument.British children are expected to demonstrate a mild-mannered demeanour and be polite.British parents are not permitted to use immoderate chastisement on their children and on the whole physical punishments are frowned upon.Most British parents restrict their children’s access to sugar, fried food and salt for reasons of health. They are encouraged to feed their children at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. |
Pets | People fleeing Ukraine are welcome to bring pets to the UK. To protect the health of pets, they will need to stay in quarantine upon arrival in the UK for up to four months, or until they meet our health requirements. The UK government will pay for the quarantine placement, along with the transport and treatment of pets. Email the Animal and Plant Health Agency:pettravel@apha.gov.uk or call +44 3000 200 301 and select option 2.Britain is a nation of pet lovers. Some people treat their pets in a similar way to their children allowing them in all parts of their home, including sofas and beds.You must be 16 years old to own a pet in the UK. You are also responsible for that animal’s welfare, and the Animal Welfare Act 2006 places a duty of care on animal owners to ensure that they are meeting their pet’s basic needs. As a result, you could be given an unlimited fine or be sent to prison for six months if you are found to be neglecting or abusing the animal in your care.There are core vaccines suggested for dogs, cats, and other pets.When walking a dog have a plastic bag to pick up their waste and dispose it in an appropriate bin. |
Other cultural information | Most houses in the UK have separate taps for hot and cold waterSnow disrupts EVERYTHINGEverybody loves a cup of teaBrits really do talk about the weather. That is because it’s very changeableDistances on roads are calculated in yards and milesStand on the right when you step on an escalator. If you want to walk up or down, stick to the leftMany Brits take queuing incredibly seriously so try to not jump a queueIt is customary to take a small gift for the host if invited to their home. This is usually either a bottle of wine, flowers or chocolates or some home-baked goods. Gifts are opened on receipt. |
Links with additional information | https://www.commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/uk-guide https://www.commisceo-global.com/blog/what-behaviours-are-bad-manners-in-british-culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjGKJH2bbSk https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/british-culture/british-culture-core-concepts |
Category | Explanation |
Language | Ukrainian is the official state language; it is a language of the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic languages. The language shares some vocabulary with the languages of the neighbouring Slavic nations, most notably with Belarusian (84%), Polish (70%), Slovak (68%) and Russian (62%). |
Population | Ukrainians are of Slavic origin. About 75% of the population is ethnic Ukrainian. The largest minority group is the Russians at about 20%. Romanians, Belarussians, Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians and Jewish make up the other major minority groups. The 5 more populated cities in Ukraine are: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro and Donetsk. |
Education | Ukraine is among most educated nation in the world Ukraine stands 4th in the world in terms of most educated population. 99.4% of Ukrainians aged 15 and over can read and write. 79% of adult Ukrainians have a secondary or higher education. |
Religion | Religion in Ukraine is diverse, with a majority of the population adhering to Christianity. About 67.3% of the population declared adherence to one or another strand of Orthodox Christianity, 7.7% Christian with no declared denominational affiliation, 9.4% Ukrainian Byzantine Rite Catholics, 2.2% Protestants and 0.8% Latin Rite Catholics, 1-2% Islam, Judaism is at 0.4%; while a small percentage follow Hinduism, Buddhism and Paganism. A further 11.0% declared themselves non-religious or unaffiliated. |
Typical food | The national dish of Ukraine is borscht, the well-known beet soup, of which many varieties exist. However, varenyky (boiled dumplings similar to pierogi) and a type of cabbage roll known as holubtsi are also national favourites and are a common meal in traditional Ukrainian restaurants. These dishes indicate the regional similarities within Eastern European cuisine. |
Approach towards life, basic values | Ukrainians live in a country where everyday life was often unpredictable and unstable and they have learned to adapt to constantly changing rules and laws, turbulent economic times, unstable governments, etc. If such constant changes are evaluated according to the system of stability that is inherent in the Western world, they should lead to fatalistic approach towards life. However the long, special historical path of Ukrainians gave rise to its own unique phenomenon, the basis of which is not only survival, but life and creation, i.e. an active, not a passive approach to life. This can explain the fierce resistance against the Russian invasions and the revolutions that took place in Ukraine in recent decades (2004, 2013-2014) – historians say that Ukraine has become a “champion of revolutionary events”. Scholars who studied Ukrainian life over 15 years identified family, relationships, and freedom among the main values of Ukrainians. According to one of the last polls on social networks, Ukrainians were asked how the national idea of Ukrainians can be formulated in one word. The most common answers were: freedom, liberty, independence, dignity, family, and children. |
War in Ukraine | The war and the conflict with the Russian Federation have deep roots that go back hundreds of years, the basis of which is the desire of the Russian Federation to incorporate Ukraine into the Russian Federation. The war has entered the home and life of every Ukrainian. The losses of each person and family are very different: some lost children, relatives and friends who died at the front, during attacks on civilian objects, or were tortured by Russian soldiers, others lost homes, jobs, businesses, whole hometowns, each person has own story and tragedy, but, among others, everyone has uncertainty on personal and state levels, life under constant stress, daily terrible news beyond the humanity, lack of support and background uncertainty of the future. These conditions vary for everyone: from apathy to panic attacks and nervous breakdowns. If you feel that you have enough resources to support, ask if your guests are ready to talk about the war: some will want to share their pain, experiences, views, events that fundamentally changed their whole lives (until recently, they had everything that all ordinary people was used to – home, work, relatives, friends, rest, hobbies, some will not want to discuss these experiences, both reactions are normal. At the same time, Ukrainians will continue to have the desire to live and fight both on a social and individual levels. During the war, Ukrainian society consolidated at an extremely high level in all spheres. At the same time, every family needs to address daily tasks – ensuring life, work, raising children, moving on in the conditions of war, uncertainty and daily depressing news. This is a small part of what every Ukrainian lives with today. |
Generosity | Ukrainians are extremely generous and hospitable. Many social occasions include food. Visitors are often offered something to eat as well as a beverage. It is considered rude to eat in front of another person and not offer them something. |
Meeting and greeting | Meeting and Greeting The typical greeting usually for men is a warm, firm handshake, maintaining direct eye contact, and at the first meeting repeating your name. When close female friends meet, they may kiss on the cheek and hug, while close male friends may pat each other on the back and hug. Ukrainian names are comprised of: First name, which is the person’s given name. Middle name, which is a patronymic or a version of the father’s first name generally formed by adding “-ych” or “-ovych” for a male and “ivna” for a female. The son of Oleksii would have a patronymic of Oleksiiovych while the daughter’s patronymic would be Oleksiivna. Last name, which is the family or surname. In formal situations (schools, universities, state authorities) or with the older generation people use first name and patronymic name. Friends and close acquaintances refer to each other by their first name. |
Gifts | In case of visiting someone’s home gifts need not be expensive. It is the act of giving the gift that is important, since it symbolises friendship. If you are invited to a Ukrainian’s home for a meal it is polite to bring something like a cake, sweets, flowers, or a bottle of good alcohol (usually wine). Flowers should only be given in odd numbers and avoid yellow flowers. Gifts are generally not opened when received. |
Punctuality | In Ukraine, people pay a lot of attention to interpersonal relations. If in the UK there’s a notion of punctuality that cannot be changed (and of adhering strictly to rules in general), in Eastern European countries, it’s a bit more flexible outside of official life: there’s a possibility of kindly asking to reschedule, explaining your circumstances and changing arrangements. The same rule applies almost to every segment of everyday life. |
Communication | Although direct communication is valued in Ukraine, there is also an emphasis placed on delivering information in a sensitive manner. Often, the level of the relationship will determine how direct someone is. Obviously the newer a relationship, the more cautious people will be. Once a relationship has developed, people will then feel comfortable speaking frankly. |
Being gregarious | Most Ukrainians are very friendly and welcoming. They love large and small groups and gatherings, always help each other and consider all people around them to be friendly. |
Wearing vyshyvanka in everyday life | Although vyshyvanka (an embroidered shirt) is a part of traditional Ukrainian attire, it is a trendy piece for Ukrainian state and religious holidays, personal events (christenings, weddings) and sometimes for everyday life (especially in times when Ukrainians feel the need to unite). |
Other sources of information about Ukrainian culture | http://freebooks.uvu.edu/NURS3400/index.php/ch14-ukranian-culture.html |
Children | Families in Ukraine usually have one or two children, recently (before the war) more families had three children. Earlier children typically stayed with their parents until they got married. It was also common for adult children to live with one set of parents after marriage, with grandchildren helping raise children. Recently, many young people try to live separately from their parents, especially young families. However, the grandparents often help with grandchildren and take an active part in their raising. Ukrainian parents are usually quite child-centric, children play very important role for their parents and the whole family, they often are the main meaning of parents’ life. Ukrainian parenting includes verbal reprimands and examples of good behaviour. |
This section provides guidance on how to have honest, and at times difficult conversations, and being clear and easy to understand. This guidance can be helpful for hosts have a conversation with guests before something they find irritating becomes an irreconcilable difference. It is important to agree a set of ground-rules about how hosts and guests will live together before you decide to host. Hosting relationship breakdowns often commence with small disagreements, for example about when and how the dishwasher should be loaded or where pets are allowed to sleep and the sharing of sugary snacks between guests and hosts children.
These “niggles” can grow over time when they are not addressed. If an issue makes you feel uncomfortable you should ask yourself how important it is to you, whether you can adjust or whether you need to discuss it to make your guests aware of your discomfort and to discuss possible solutions. Irritations and disagreements can fester into resentment if not tackled. It is important to have direct conversations about concerns rather than expect guests to understand hints or body language.
Some hosts and guests have a weekly house meeting to review how living together is going for all parties. Practitioners involved in managing difficult or upsetting discussions have set out some advice about how to deal with these kinds of issues. The following aspects has been adapted to be used for British hosts.
Clearly, this only works when you know that the difficult conversation is coming and you are the one who will be facilitating it, but really this can be in regard to any interaction. Take some time to think about things—what are the main points you want to make? What do you hope to achieve in the conversation?
Due to the fact that many Ukrainians do not speak English it would be a good idea to write down your ideas, keeping them basic and possibly and translate your notes. Prepare some examples and information to support what you are saying. Be prepared for surprise and know that it is okay to acknowledge the difference of opinions. If needed get some support or guidance from professional charities working with Ukrainian guests contact the following organisations:
- Barnardo’s (England)
Phone: 0800 148 8586 Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm Saturday, 10am to 3pm
Calls are free from mobiles and landlines.
Email: ukrainiansupport@barnardos.org.uk
Contact form: https://www.barnardos.org.uk
/what-we-do/helping-families/ukrainian-helpline - The Scottish Refugee Council (Scotland)
Phone: 08081967274 - Sanctuary (The Welsh Government)
Phone: 0808 175 1508 or use
+44(0) 20 4542 5671. - The Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Northern Ireland)
Phone: 078 7852 587
Perhaps practice what you want to say with a friend and check with them that you are being clear but without appearing confrontational. This will help to make sure that you do get the main points across that you plan to make. In the moment, if it is tense, it’s natural for our communication to speed up or for the words we want not to come, but if you’ve thought through what you want to say (and you take some deep breaths to calm yourself), you are more likely to remain a clear communicator. Think of the phrases that you can use to start the conversation:
- “I want to talk about something that is making me feel uncomfortable…..”
- “There is something that we need to discuss because we seem to have different ways of doing things. I am used to/like to…….”
- “I need your help with something……….”
- “I’d like to see if we can agree a way forward to something……”
- Be direct! Make sure you are completely clear what the problem is
Share what you need to and then listen and be empathetic. Be open to the other person’s view and interpretation of the situation. Remember that perception is a good portion of reality—and so you and whomever you are having the difficult conversation with may have very different perceptions (and realities). This is particularly the case when you come from different cultures and have different norms. You are more likely to reach a place of agreement if you approach the conversation with empathy, acknowledging the feelings that someone else has, that the situation can be confusing for both of you and enabling your guest to express themselves without judgment.
People need to have their views and feelings recognised. When someone discloses something do recognise it and don’t ignore it. You can do this simply and quickly by using empathising language – perhaps simply by saying thank you or that you imagine it must be very difficult to adapt to a new life in a different country.
We are so used to filling every moment with something that often silence makes us uncomfortable. But when having difficult conversations which may cause all kinds of emotions, allowing silence is sometimes key. You can use that time to refocus and centre yourself— breathe and allow that time for processing and keeping yourself calm. Try counting in your head to three, while noticing your breath before responding– especially if you aren’t sure what to say or aren’t sure if you should or shouldn’t be giving a response. This will give time for your guest to respond – what you have raised may be a complete surprise to them and they need time to process it and language barriers can make responding quickly even more difficult.
Almost always with difficult conversations, there is a “now what?” that needs to be answered. Sometimes that is as simple as “let’s both take some time to think through what we each shared and come back in an agreed amount of time to decide next steps”. Other times, more specific next steps are warranted such as identifying between you how the problems you are raising can be resolved. It can be helpful to end a difficult conversation focusing on the future and giving the person you are talking with as clear of a picture as possible about what happens next.
Always remember that your guests are in a much less powerful position than you. They rely on you the roof over their heads and they do not know your way of living so are unaware of the things that make you feel uncomfortable. Neither of you should feel uncomfortable, awkward nor irritated living together but do explain your concerns and why they exist and ask them to discuss with you how you can find a mutually comfortable way of living together.
Try to speak with your local authority’s refugee resettlement officer or find out about local services that can support guests who have experienced traumatic events. This might be a local counselling service or other support organisation which might help them access medical
Please read below some examples of aspects that often create tension between guests and hosts. The information was shared by a Ukrainian administrator of a Facebook page related to the Homes for Ukraine scheme
Utility bills payments. Utility bills in the United Kingdom have grown significantly, so you might hope that your guest makes a contribution towards this that is within their means. The best approach is to be direct and polite and to understand that your guests may not be able to contribute much if at all.
Washing dishes with running water. Ukrainians will commonly wash dishes under running water in the sink. Whilst many Brits do this, another common method is to pour warm soapy water into a sink, wash the dishes, and rinse them in another container. This simple difference in dishwashing methods can cause some tension, especially in families of elderly hosts, who are usually more conservative.
Children under the age of 12 are left at home without supervision. In the United Kingdom, it is prohibited to leave children alone unless they are 12 years or older. If the host has volunteered or agreed to look after the guests’ child, it’s not a problem. If the Ukrainian mother left the child alone and went away even for half an hour (without mentioning this fact), this could lead to misunderstandings. Ukrainians pretty often leave kids at home alone even if they are just 8-10 years old, there are no official legal restrictions in Ukraine.
Small Talk absence. Small talk is not a part of Ukrainian culture, approximately half of Ukrainians don’t use it in their everyday life at all. So only “good morning” and silence in the room can be interpreted by hosts as disrespect or even rudeness. But it’s not like that. Please remember, most Ukrainians don’t know English well enough to support even the simplest small talk, that’s one of the reasons for their silence.
Different eating habits. Usually, most hosts and Ukrainian guests discuss food options and their habits even before their arrival in the UK. If you are a family of strict vegetarians, it may be very important for you not to have meat products in the fridge or on the table. Do not hesitate to politely mention that on the very first day you meet your guest. If you offered your guests to eat together, they could realise that your food is very different from what they would normally eat. There are several options available. Perhaps you could use this as an opportunity to discover Ukrainian and Eastern European foods that are simple and delicious. Mix and match some meals with Ukrainian and British dishes. If your guests cannot get used to British food, you might suggest cooking separately, either eating together or not.
(*) The information used in this document is based on material produced by Southampton Safeguarding Adult Board; Hampshire Safeguarding Adult Board; Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adult Board, and PSAB and Migration Scotland.
Homes for Ukraine general information | Home Office | Official information from the Home Office about the program’s functioning and registration | https://apply-to-offer-homes-for-ukraine.service.gov.uk/ |
Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions | Home Office | Questions and answers on how the Homes for Ukraine scheme will work | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homes-for-ukraine -scheme-frequently-asked-questions 24/7 free helpline: +44 808 164 8810 – select option 1. If cannot contact UK 0808 numbers, please use: +44 (0)175 390 7510. |
Understanding Homes for Ukraine Program | RESET | Information about eligibility | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes-for-ukraine /understanding-the-homes-for-ukraine-programme |
How does the Homes for Ukraine work? | RESET | Basic information about the programs’ functioning | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes-for-ukraine /how-does-the-homes-for-ukraine-process-work |
Apply for a visa under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine) | Home Office | Official website with information for Ukrainian nationals and their family members to come to the UK under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-visa- under-the-ukraine-sponsorship-schemehttps://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads /system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1064145 /Homes_for_Ukraine_A5_leaflet.pdf |
Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa | Home office | Guidance for family members of British nationals, UK settled persons and certain others to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-ukraine-family-scheme-visa |
Guidance for applying for a VISA | RESET | Explanation of how sponsors or Ukrainians can apply for a VISA online | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes-for-ukraine/applying-for-the-visa |
Free UK immigration advice for people fleeing Ukraine | Ukraine Advice Project UK | Immigration advice for getting a VISA | https://www.advice-ukraine.co.uk/home/en |
Getting to Scotland: information for displaced people from Ukraine | Scottish Government | Information from the Scottish government about obtaining a VISA and resettling in Scotland | https://www.gov.scot/publications/getting-to-scotland/ |
Northern Ireland Support for Ukraine | Northern Ireland Government | Information about welcoming Ukrainian refugees in Northern Ireland; Ukraine schemes: visas and biometrics | https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/supporting-ukraine https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/ukraine-visas |
Wales Support for Ukraine | Wales | Information from the Welsh Government about policy for supporting Ukrainian refugees (framework for accommodation, safeguarding, etc.) | https://gov.wales/ukraine |
Hosts need to check if they can apply to the scheme | UK Government | The space guests offer must be safe, suitable and large enough for the number of guests. It must have smoke alarms and it must have had a gas safety check in the last year. It is necessary to check local council’s rules about overcrowding. The council will visit the house to check if it is suitable. | Find your local council in the UK https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council |
Safety checks will be carried out on hosts, guests and other adults living in the house | UK Government (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) | Basic checks: – Police and criminal record checks – Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks | https://www.gov.uk/criminal-record-checks-apply-role/application-process |
Sometimes hosts need to check if they are allowed to have someone stay in their houses | Private | Before hosts apply to the scheme some need to get permission from the landlord or mortgage provider. If they allow applying to the scheme, they need to confirm this in writing. | https://www.nrla.org.uk/news/uk-govt-announces-homes-for-ukraine-scheme |
Hosts need to check if hosting will affect their personal finances | Home Office | Hosts must be willing to let guests live with them for at least 6 months. Hosts can’t charge guests rent. The government will give hosts £350 each month for up to 12 months – it doesn’t matter how many people are hosted. -Hosts need to consider additional expenses like food, internet services, transportation, etc. | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homes-for-ukraine-scheme-frequently-asked-questions |
Hosts need to have time to support with the basic activities during the first weeks after arrival | Home Office | The government say hosts should do the following for their guests: – Contact guests to arrange meeting at the airport before they travel -Help them sign up for local services like a GP and dentist although this can take time -Help them to contact Ukrainian community groups, interpreters, mental health support or contact the local council -Help guests to settle in | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homes-for-ukraine-scheme-frequently-asked-questions |
Hosts need to know the rights that the guest have in the UK | Home Office | Guests have the right to: – work or study – claim benefits – use the NHS – go to school – rent or buy somewhere to live – go to free English language classes | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/move-to-the-uk-if-youre-from-ukraine |
Hosts need to have clear expectations about what hosting involves and the demands of preparation before and after arrival | Citizens Advice UK | It’s worth knowing that guests might: -Not speak English fluently or at all -Have been separated from their family members -Have trauma because of what’s happening in their country -Guests might also be disabled or have extra needs. – It might take some time for guests to start getting benefits and for GPs to agree to register them. – Be mindful about helping others when hosts are running low on energy – Be mindful about having difficult conversations when language is a problem | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/immigration /offering-to-let-someone-from-ukraine -stay-with-you |
Homes for Ukraine: record your interest | Home office | This website is for UK citizens who want to offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine and want to become a sponsor as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. This service is for potential sponsors who have not yet been matched with a Ukrainian guest. | https://www.gov.uk/register-interest-homes-ukraine |
Matching scheme | RESET | The charity RESET provides a matching and training service to pair sponsors and refugees under the UK Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme. | https://homesforukraine.org.uk/ |
Matching scheme | Citizens UK and Ukrainian Sponsorship Pathway UK (USPUK) | Information for other charities to create a strategic partnership with Citizens UK and Homes for Ukraine. | https://www.citizensuk.org/campaigns/communities-for-ukraine/ |
Matching scheme | Refugees at home | Refugees at Home is a UK charity which connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and asylum seekers in need of somewhere to stay. | https://www.refugeesathome.org/ |
Matching scheme | Room for Refugees Network | The Room for Refugees Network connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and asylum seekers in need of somewhere to stay. | https://www.roomforrefugees.com/ |
Matching scheme | Shelter 4 Ukraine | This is an online platform to advertise offers for shelter in a way refugees can find hosts and contact them. | https://shelter4ukraine.app/ |
Marching scheme in Northern Ireland | Refugees Welcome | Refugees Welcome Northern Ireland matches accommodation offers to refugees needing a home. | http://refugees-welcomeni.co.uk/ |
Matching scheme Uk and Europe | Ukraine Connect | This is a project coordinated by leaders in a small group of ministries that have been working in Europe for many years — Nay Dawson (from IFES Europe) Mark Meynell (Langham Preaching, Europe & Caribbean), and Michael Prest (UFM worldwide)—The organisation is helping to match Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts across the region. | https://www.ukraineconnect.net/ |
Scottish Super sponsor Scheme | Scottish Government | The Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme exists to simplify the visa process. The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and local authorities put in place a matching service where the needs of the arriving individuals can be assessed, and they can be matched up with a longer-term housing solution that is suited to their needs. | https://www.gov.scot/publications/ukraine-super-sponsor-scheme-guidance-for-hosts/pages/super-sponsor-scheme/ |
Training and support for hosts (free online) | RESET | Video explaining basic aspects about supporting refugees. | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes-for-ukraine/training-and-support |
Preparing to Host Ukrainian Guests (free online) | Link International | E-learning course for supporting Ukrainians, it includes top tips to welcome Ukrainians prepared from the organisations Welcome Church’s. | https://www.link-international.org/preparation-for-hosts |
Refugee Support Course (free online) | Sanctuary Foundation | From safeguarding to trauma and from cross-cultural communication to community integration this course provides essential basic training for all those living, working or volunteering with refugees. | https://www.sanctuaryfoundation.org.uk/ |
Course on volunteering with refugees (paid course online) | Cambridge University Future Learn | 3-week course, that looks at strategies and techniques for identifying the diverse needs of refugees and asylum seekers. | https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/volunteering-with-refugees |
Course: Working Supportively with Refugees: Principles, Skills and Perspectives (paid course online) | University of Glasgow Future Learn | With this course individuals learn how the principles of psychological well-being, communication and interpretation can benefit their work with refugees. | https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/working-supportively-with-refugees |
How To Speak in Clear and Simple English to the Refugee in your Home (free to discuss with the provider) | English Unlocked | A communication trainer and former English teacher train people to modify their speech so that people with a low to intermediate English level can understand them. | https://www.englishunlocked.co.uk/post/training-for-refugee-hosts |
An introduction to working with refugees and asylum seekers (paid) | NHS | This is a two-day workshop that offers participants an insight into what it means to be a refugee and an asylum seeker. It focuses on the role of trauma, assessment of risk and how to nurture resilience and strength using different therapeutic techniques drawn from a range of theoretical models. | https://tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/training/cpd-courses/introduction-working-refugees-and-asylum-seekers/ |
Request a DBS check | UK government | Detailed guidance on documents and information about DBS checks and processes. If children under 18 or vulnerable adults are hosted, all the people in the sponsor’s household over 16 must have an Enhanced DBS check. If hosts are related to sponsors a basic DBS check can be carried out. | https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/dbs-checking-service-guidance–2 |
Safety tips for family scaping conflict (resource translated into Ukrainian and Russian). | British Red Cross | Safety tips for families and antitrafficking advice (translated into Ukrainian and Russian). | https://www.redcross.org.uk/get-help/get-help-as-a-refugee/help-for-refugees-from-ukraine#Safety%20tips |
Information about safeguarding for community groups supporting refugees | RESET | Video explaining basic aspects about supporting refugees including safeguarding issues. | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes-for-ukraine/training-and-support |
Safeguarding knowledge and e-learning for charities, social enterprises and community groups | The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) | Resources for training on safeguarding. | https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/safeguarding |
Online safeguarding training (paid) | Health and safety Quality Environment | This Designated Safeguarding Lead Vulnerable Adults online training course raises awareness of adult safeguarding and the key responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead. | https://hsqe.co.uk/course/designated-safeguarding-lead-vulnerable-adults/ |
Guidelines for safeguarding refugees and asylum seekers | Thirty-one eight and welcome churches | Guideline produced to help churches working with refugees and asylum seekers. | https://welcomechurches.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/safeguarding-guidance-for-refugees.pdf |
Practical information about safeguarding and resources | City of Sanctuary UK | A good compilation of resources, guidelines and material related to safeguarding. | https://cityofsanctuary.org/resources-for-groups/safeguarding/ |
Hosting good practice guide | NACCOM | Ideas to think about when preparing your home. | https://naccom.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/NACCOM-Hosting-Good-Practice-Guide-2022_PART-1-FINAL.pdf |
Landlord’s guide to right to rent checks | UK Government | This guidance advises a landlord, letting agent or homeowner on how to conduct a right to rent check when letting privately rented accommodation. | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/landlords-guide-to-right-to-rent-checks |
Consideration for hosting in Scotland | Scottish Government | Information from the Scottish Government about homeowners with a mortgage, shared equity, tenants, council tax, insurance, planning and licensing, etc. | https://www.gov.scot/publications/ukraine-super-sponsor-scheme-guidance-for-hosts/pages/host-role/ |
Practical advice – Preparing your home for arrivals | Barnardo’s | Document provides a checklist of things to consider pre-arrival of guests including a section with home life differences (temperature, utilities and recycling). | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets/documents/keeping-children-safe/advice-for-host-families.pdf |
Prepare a welcome pack | Sponsor Refugee | Resources and tips for preparing a welcome pack for volunteers who support Syrians from the Community Sponsorship Scheme. This material can be adapted for Ukrainians. | https://www.sponsorrefugees.org/prepare-a-welcome-pack/ |
Ukrainian Displaced Persons Travel Scheme (Translated into Ukrainian and Russian) | National Rail UK | All Ukrainians arriving in the UK will have 48 hours from arrival to access free tickets and complete their journey. Mainly National Rail UK, Eurostar. | https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ukr-travel.aspx https://www.eurostar.com/uk-en/travel-info /service-information/eurostar-travel-updates |
Firstbus Ukrainian travel scheme | First bus | Information about free tickets for onward travel destination for the first 48hrs they are in the UK | https://www.firstbus.co.uk/journey-planner/ukrainian-travel-scheme |
Week one guidance for Ukrainians arriving in the UK | Home Office | Basic guidance for hosts during week one. | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications /welcome-a-guide-for-ukrainians-arriving-in-the-uk /week-one-guidance-for-ukrainians-arriving-in-the-uk |
Immigration information for Ukrainians: next steps after arriving in the United Kingdom | Home Office | Detailed list of information for Ukrainians who need to confirm their immigration status after arrival in the UK. | https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government /uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file /1077635/Immigration_guide_ for_Ukrainians_in_the_UK_ENGLISH.pdf Helpline: +44 (0) 808 164 8810 select option 1 |
Website with very useful practical information about different aspects of resettlement | Support for Ukrainian Refugees | Practical information for Ukrainians | https://ukrainianrefugeehelp.co.uk/ |
Information translated into Ukrainian about different relevant topics for settling in the UK | Ukrainian Institute London | Independent charity, dedicated to broadening knowledge about Ukraine in the UK and beyond. | https://refugee-support.ukrainianinstitute.org.uk/home |
Apply for a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) | Visas and Immigration UK | Website to apply for a BRP and extend permission to stay in the UK after the first six months. Applications must be submitted before the end of the six months. | https://apply.visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/product/ukraine-scheme-brp |
Bringing a pet into the UK | UK’s Animal and Plant Health Agency | People fleeing Ukraine are welcome to bring pets to the UK. To protect the health of pets, they will need to stay in quarantine upon arrival in the UK for up to four months, or until they meet our health requirements. The UK government will pay for the quarantine placement, along with the transport and treatment of pets. | Email the Animal and Plant Health Agency: pettravel@apha.gov.uk Call +44 3000 200 301 and select option 2 |
Finding missing family in Ukraine | British Red Cross | Provide the Red Cross with the guest’s full name and telephone number. A team member from the International Family Tracing service will contact him/her as soon as possible. | Email findyour_family@redcross.org.uk |
Support for guests to find their local GP and registration | NHS | At arrival guest need to register with a GP and if they have a medical condition general information can be found on the health care websites of the four nations. | NHS England https://www.england.nhs.uk/ National Service Scotland https://www.nss.nhs.scot/ NHS Wales https://www.wales.nhs.uk/ Health and Social Care Northern Ireland https://online.hscni.net/ |
How to find a dentist in the UK | NHS | NHS website for finding a dentist in your location | https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-dentist |
Support for Ukrainians with cancer and caregivers | American Cancer Society | Resources in Russian and Ukrainian for patients with cancer and their families. | https://www.cancer.org/about-us /what-we-do/ukraine-support.html |
Ukraine Support Helplines | Barnardo’s (England) Refugee Council (Scotland) Sanctuary (Wales) The Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Northern Ireland) | Contact numbers for hosts and guests participating in the Homes for Ukraine Schemes in the four nations. | Barnardo’s (England) Phone: 0800 148 8586 Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm Saturday, 10am to 3pm Calls are free from mobiles and landlines. Email: ukrainiansupport@barnardos.org.uk Contact form: https://www.barnardos.org.uk /what-we-do/helping-families/ukrainian-helpline The Scottish Refugee Council (Scotland) Phone: 08081967274 Sanctuary (The Welsh Government) Phone: 0808 175 1508 or use +44(0) 20 4542 5671. The Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Northern Ireland) Phone: 078 7852 587 |
Getting a sim card in the UK | Traveltomtom | 11 best prepaid sim cards in the UK in 2022 | https://www.traveltomtom.net/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/best-prepaid-uk-sim-card |
Opening a bank account in the UK online | MONZO | MONZO is a reliable and regulated online banking that allows individuals to open a bank account easily and without much paperwork. | https://monzo.com/i/current-account/ |
Cost of living/budgeting | NUMBEO | Tool to compare the cost of living and its indicators. | https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living /comparison.jsp |
Managing financial disappointment | RESET | A guide to help guests to manage expectations about their new financial circumstances. | https://training-resetuk.org/integration /managing-financial-disappointment/ |
Finding foodbanks in the UK | The trusell Trust | Website that helps to find foodbanks close to your location | https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank/ |
Initial Communication | Barnando’s | The section ‘sharing a language’ in the document provides practical tips for facilitating the communication between hosts and guests (writing the name of objects on labels, free App for Ukrainian speakers, software for translation, etc.). | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets /documents/keeping-children-safe /advice-for-host-families.pdf |
How to talk with someone who does not speak your language? | How Wiki | Practical tips for speaking with someone who does not speak English. | https://www.wikihow.com/Talk-With-Someone- Who-Doesn%27t-Speak-Your-Language |
Handling initial meetings with guests: some guidelines | Council of Europe | Guidance for language support for having simple conversations with guests. | https://rm.coe.int/tool-34-handling-initial- meetings-with-refugees-some-guidelines- langua/16807171b8 |
App for translating | sayhi | Free App for simultaneous translation from English to Ukrainian | https://www.sayhi.com/en/translate/ |
Language support: Translations and interpreting | Charity Translators | Lists with translators from charities, private companies and associations. | https://www.iti.org.uk/resource/the- uk-s-ukraine-language-support-task-force.html |
Put together a house guide including boundaries, and information about your daily routines | Barnardos | The section ‘Establish your own safe boundaries’ provides helpful recommendations for communication around what boundaries are comfortable for hosts and guests. For example, hosts are not childminders and guests can apply for free childcare. | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets /documents/keeping-children-safe/advice- for-host-families.pdf |
Write a list with the relevant rules of the house that can be discussed at the arrival of the guest. | N/A | Important aspects to consider in the list are: -Rules about pets in the house -Recycling -Use of water, electricity and other services -Use of appliances -Smoking -Hosts’ and guests’ habits and Routines -Help that guests will offer and they will not -Host’s schedule -Damage and loss | The list can be translated from English into Ukrainian in google translator https://translate.google.co.uk/ The list can be also included in a hosts’ welcome pack |
Defining Boundaries: A Guide for Community Sponsorship Groups | Sponsor Refugees | This guide has been developed for community sponsorship groups and provides information on how to define boundaries between sponsors and refugees, including defining the sponsor-refugee relationship, safe practices, code of conduct. | https://citizensuk.contentfiles.net/media/documents/Managing_Boundaries_Workbook.pdf |
Hosting Good Practice Guide | NACCOM | This guide provides good practices for hosts, including building relationships with guests, boundaries, maintaining appropriate relationships. | https://naccom.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/NACCOM-Hosting-Good-Practice-Guide-Part2-FINAL-MAY-2022.pdf |
Tips for handling difficult conversations with guests | Verywell health | Document with tips for handling effectively and respectfully difficult aspects with guest. | https://www.verywellhealth.com /how-to-have-a-difficult-conversation-4589092 |
Free childcare for Ukrainians in the UK | Foundation Years English, Welsh and Scottish Governments Daynurseries Express | Childcare services vary across the UK so different criteria apply in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. | General Information https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk /1617256/free-childcare-Ukrainians-eligible England https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare Wales https://gov.wales/childcare-offer-for-wales-campaign Scotland https://gov.wales/ukraine-guidance-childcare-html Northern Ireland https://www.daynurseries.co.uk/advice /a-guide-to-free-childcare-in-northern-ireland- for-2-3-and-4-year-olds |
Childminders and the Homes for Ukraine and Ukraine Family Scheme | Foundation Years | Information about childminders who wish to host people from Ukraine. | https://foundationyears.org.uk/2022 /04/childminders-and-the-homes-for- ukraine-and-ukraine-family-scheme/ |
Tips for providing the right initial psychological support for Ukrainian guests from professional charities | inews | Compendium of tips for understanding wellbeing needs of Ukrainian guests. | https://inews.co.uk/news/homes-for- ukraine-how-to-support-refugees- psychologist-tips-1564873 |
How to talk to guests from Ukraine who have wellbeing problems | Pomocni Ludzie.pl | Blog with some guidance about how to talk to guests who have experienced an excess of pain, stress, and unfortunately often loss in recent days. | https://pomocniludzie.pl/en/jak- rozmawiac-z-goscmi-z-ukrainy/ |
Parenting | NSPCC | It is important to let guests know that in Wales and Scotland, corporal punishment of children is now illegal, and in England and NI, it is not socially acceptable. NSPCC provides useful leaflets on how to set boundaries and build a positive relationship. | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets /documents/keeping-children-safe/advice- for-host-families.pdf |
Internet safety | Childline | Tips to stay safe online. | https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice /bullying-abuse-safety/online-mobile-safety /staying-safe-online/ |
Action to take if hosts need to stop hosting their guests | Citizen Advice | If guests move from hosts’ accommodation before the 6-month agreed, guests need to tell their local council about this situation so the council doesn’t keep paying hosts the £350. If hosts can’t keep their guests and they can’t find anywhere else to live, they can apply for help as homeless. They will have the same right to apply as British citizens. | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing /homelessness/applying-for-homeless-help/check-if-you-can-apply-for-homeless-help/ |
Public Transport in the UK | EXPATICA | A comprehensive guide with information about trains, buses, metro, and in general public transport in the UK | https://www.expatica.com/uk/living/transportation/uk-public-transport-103419/ |
Driving in the UK | Warwickshire County Council | Information for Ukrainians on driving in the UK. | https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ukraine-2/information-ukrainians/8 |
Driving and Transport | UK Government | Information on driving and transport in the UK, including driving licenses, vehicle tax, MOT, insurance, driving tests and learning to drive, buy and sell a vehicle. | https://www.gov.uk/browse/driving |
Apply for a provisional driving licence | UK Government | To continue to drive in the UK after one year, you must apply for a provisional driving license through this website. | https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence |
Drive Confident | Drive Tech and AA Charitable Trust | Free an eLearning module in English and Ukrainian to provide information and help for driving safely and legally here in the UK. | https://www.drivetech.co.uk/global-business-fleet-solutions/drive-confident/ |
Exchange a foreign driving licence | UK Government | If you have a driving license from a country other than Ukraine, you may need to apply to exchange your driving license. | https://www.gov.uk/exchange-foreign-driving-licence |
Financial support for those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine | UK Government | Available benefits for Ukrainians and how to apply for them. | https://www.understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk/support-for-those-fleeing-the-conflict-in-ukraine/ In Russia: https://www.understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk/support-for-those-fleeing-the-conflict-in-ukraine-rus/ In Ukrainian: https://www.understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk/support-for-those-fleeing-the-conflict-in-ukraine-ukr/ |
What Universal Credit is | UK Government | General information about eligibility, how to claim and other useful information. | https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit |
Understanding Universal Credit | Work Right Centre | Website designed by a charity specialised in refugees with accessible tools to understand Universal Credit, determine eligibility, requirements of evidence and where to get help to overcome common problems with claims. | https://www.workrightscentre.org/universal-credit |
How to contact the Disability Service Centre | UK Government | Contacts for receiving information about a claim for Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance. | https://www.gov.uk/disability-benefits-helpline |
Eligibility rules for housing and homelessness assistance and for benefits. | Chartered Institute of Housing | General information for helping Ukrainians and specific details on housing and benefits issues. | https://www.housing-rights.info/help-for-ukrainian-refugees.php#eligibility-rules-for-housing-and |
Contacts to receive support for Universal Credit claims | Citizens Advice | Contacts for receiving free support to make a Universal Credit claim. | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/helptoclaim/ |
Child Benefit | UK Government | Information on how to claim Child Benefit. | https://www.gov.uk/child-benefit/how-to-claim |
Pension Credit | UK Government | Information on how to claim Pension Credit. | https://www.gov.uk/pension-credit/how-to-claim |
(*) Each Local Authority provides specific guidelines for applying for Universal Credit please see section V
Free online resources for Ukrainians settling in the UK and Ireland: English Courses | Open University | Different online free courses for learning English at different levels. | https://www.open.edu/openlearn/supporting-ukrainians |
English for Speakers of Other Languages | Educations and training foundation | The materials on these pages are designed to support practitioners (teachers, classroom assistants, volunteers and others) working with ESOL learners who are often referred to as being at ‘pre-Entry’ level. | Learners New to ESOL | ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (excellencegateway.org.uk) |
New Learners to ESOL | Learning Unlimited | Free resources for learning English as a second language. | Free resources (learningunlimited.co) |
Study skills, life skills, IT skills | Alison Empower Your Self | List of courses for Refugee aid organisations and Peace Corps to share with refugees to prepare them for new opportunities. | https://alison.com/programmes/refugees |
Digital skills | Ashley Community Housing (ACH) | The Score Project was focused on providing access and support to learning digital skills for forced migrant. | https://ach.org.uk/news-and-features/score-project-year-upskilling-digital-skills |
Support for Eastern European communities | The Romanian and Eastern European Hub | The Romanian and Eastern European Hub offers free, tailored support to those needing help due to language, digital, and cultural barriers. | https://ro-eehub.org.uk/ |
Preparing for life in the UK – toolkit | Learning unlimited | A materials toolkit for providers working outside the EU with adult ESOL participants who are planning to settle in the UK. | Layout 1 (learningunlimited.co) |
ESOL courses | ESOL courses | Free digital resources for teaching and learning English (reading, exercises, quizzes and games). | https://www.esolcourses.com/ |
Free reading resources for Ukrainian pupils | Badger Learning | Free online translated and published range of six dual language English–Ukrainian eBook PDFs for schools and families. | https://www.badgerlearning.co.uk/blog/free-reading-resources-for-ukrainian-pupils |
How do families arriving from Ukraine apply for a school place and childcare? | UK Government | Helpful guide in both English and Ukrainian to explain how to apply for a school place and childcare | https://www.gov.uk/government/news/thousands-of-ukrainian-refugees-offered-school-places-around-the-country |
Tool for findings school places for Ukranian Refugees | The Good Schools Guides | Website for Finding school places for Ukrainian refugees | https://www.goodschoolsguide.co.uk/choosing-a-school/find-school-places-for-ukrainian-refugees Education Consultants provide 15-minute consultation calls, free of charge, for anyone who needs help understanding how to find a school place for a Ukrainian refugee child. Call: 0800 368 7694 Email: consultants@goodschoolsguide.co.uk |
Explaining the education system | Department of Education | Website with resources and materials explaining the education system in the UK | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/helping-ukrainian-students-in-schools/resources-to-help-support-children-and-young-people-arriving-from-ukraine |
Schools of sanctuary resource pack | Schools of Sanctuary | Information about schools of sanctuary for refugee children across the UK | https://schools.cityofsanctuary.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/159/2021/11/Schools-of-Sanctuary-Resource-Pack.pdf |
Choosing a school in the UK | Work Rights Centre | Guidance for choosing a school in the UK designed for Ukranian children | https://www.workrightscentre.org/solidarity-with-ukraine/children |
School admissions | UK Government | General information about schools’ admission criteria to decide which children get places | https://www.gov.uk/schools-admissions |
Further Education to 19 years old | UK Government | Official information for further education courses and funding for young people between 16 and 19 years of age. | https://www.gov.uk/further-education-courses |
Courses and qualifications for 14- to 19-year-olds | UK Government | The website helps to find courses and qualifications available at schools, colleges and sixth forms in your area. | https://www.gov.uk/courses-qualifications |
Education System Higher Education (Colleges and Universities) | Studying in the UK | Detailed information about Higher Education in the UK includes lists of Colleges and Universities | https://www.studying-in-uk.org/uk-education-system-guide/#:~:text=The%20UK%20education%20system %20is,and%20Higher%20Education%20(HE). |
Procedure for obtaining a National Insurance Number | DWP | Guidance to apply for National Insurance Number. | https://www.gov.uk/apply-national -insurance-number/how-to-apply |
Ukrainian nationals and right to work checks | UK Government | Guideline of work checks for Ukrainian Nationals (Document with images). | https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk /government/uploads/system/uploads /attachment_data/file/1068174 /Ukrainian_nationals_and_right_ to_work_checks.pdf |
Find a job | UK Government | Search engine for searching and applying for jobs. | https://www.gov.uk/find-a-job |
Find a job | UK Government | Advice on where to find a job. | https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk /careers-advice/advertised-job-vacancies |
CV advice | UK Government | Advice on how to write a CV. | https://nationalcareers.service. gov.uk/careers-advice/cv-sections If you need advice on CV, you can speak with an adviser by phone 0800 100 900 or via webchat |
Cover letter advice | UK Government | Advice on how to write a cover letter. | https://nationalcareers.service. gov.uk/careers-advice/covering-letter |
National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates | UK Government | Information on current hourly rates for the National Living Wage (for those aged 23 and over) and the National Minimum Wage (for those of at least school leaving age). | https://www.gov.uk/national -minimum-wage-rates |
Jobcentre Guide and Job Hunting Advice | Jobcentre | Guide to Jobcentre Plus, list of available jobs, CV tips and preparation for interview and list of Job Search Engines. | https://www.jobcentreguide.co.uk/ |
Job advice | Acas | Free advice on employment rights, rules and best practices; free templates for employers and employees; dispute resolution services and training. | https://www.acas.org.uk/ |
Jobs for refugees | Talens beyond boundaries | Website with information about different job opportunities for refugees resettled in the UK. | https://www.talentbeyondboundaries.org/ |
Jobs for Ukrainians | United for Ukraine | List of available jobs for Ukrainians across the North of England, information on how to access employment and support services. | https://www.unitedforukraine.org.uk /for-ukrainians/ Support line: 0161 237 4131 Email: robota@unitedforukraine.org.uk |
Work rights | Work Rights Centre | Information translated into Ukrainian about work rights. | https://www.workrightscentre.org /solidarity-with-ukraine |
How to find a job | Prospects | Information on to search for a job, gain experience, tailor a CV, be prepared for an interview. | https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/getting-a-job/how-to-find-a-job |
Wellbeing support resources translated into Ukrainian and Russian | British Red Cross | Resources online translated in Russian and Ukrainian for wellbeing support. | https://www.redcross.org.uk/get-help/get-help-as-a-refugee/help-for-refugees-from-ukraine#Emotional%20support |
Information about trauma for Ukrainian refugees and their host families | Mind Buckinghamshire | The page provides information about trauma, including how trauma can affect guests and hosts, reactions to trauma and understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The information is available in four languages; Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and English. | https://www.bucksmind.org.uk/ukraine-refugee-support/ |
Supporting the health and well-being of refugees from Ukraine | Finnish Institute for health and welfare | Finnish website with resources for supporting the wellbeing of refugees and asylum seekers that can be useful for Ukrainians. | https://thl.fi/en/web/migration-and-cultural-diversity/support-material/supporting-the-health-and-well-being-of-refugees-from-ukraine |
Intercultural Therapy Centre Nafsiyat | Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre | Nafsiyat is an intercultural therapy centre, committed to providing effective and accessible psychotherapy and counselling services to people from diverse religious, cultural and ethnic communities in London. | https://www.nafsiyat.org.uk/ |
Training interpreters for wellbeing support | Solace surviving exile and persecution | Course for volunteers in mental health or wellbeing support practice in need to use interpreters for patients or service users with limited English language. | https://www.solace-uk.org.uk/training/specialist-training |
How to use internet to access health services online | Learn my way | How to use online resources to make appointments, order repeat prescriptions and find advice on specific symptoms and conditions. | https://www.learnmyway.com/subjects/improving-your-health-online/ |
The mental health and wellbeing collection | Open University | Online hub of free, resources that aim to promote positive wellbeing and support good mental health (also in Welsh). | https://www.open.edu/openlearn/health-sports-psychology/mental-health/wellbeing-and-mental-health-collection |
Guidance on working with Refugee children struggling with stress and trauma | UNHCR | Although this document was designed for teachers who work with refugee children, this document provides very good guidance on how to deal with stress and trauma related behaviours in refugee children. | https://www.unhcr.org/uk/59d346de4.pdf |
Supporting Ukrainian Refugees – A Marathon not a Sprint | Krish Kandiah You Tube | Online seminar which draws on the expertise of those who have experience in supporting refugees, secondary trauma, hospitality, self-care and practical support | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= wMDCDOeoAtk&ab_channel=krishkandiah |
Self-assessment for compassion fatigue | aafp.org | Article about overcoming compassion fatigue with a tool for self-assessment and tips to overcome symptoms | https://www.aafp.org/pubs/fpm/issues /2000/0400/p39.html |
Managing burnout | Caba | Practical information to find out how burnout can happen, and what individuals can do to prevent and deal with it | https://www.caba.org.uk/mental-health /managing-burnout.html |
Compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout | Open briefing | Information sheet for identifying compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout and measures to respond to them | https://www.openbriefing.org/docs/Vicarious_ trauma_infosheet.pdf |
Specific issues and obstacles Ukrainian guests might encounter | Refugees at Home | Considerations to keep in mind when hosting Ukrainians. | https://www.refugeesathome.org/how-does- sponsoring-a-ukrainian-guest-work/ |
Introduction to empowerment and integration | RESET | This guide has been developed for community sponsorship groups and provides information on how to start thinking about empowering refugees to live independent lives | https://training-resetuk.org/integration /introduction-integration/ |
Starting life in the UK | British Red Cross | Range of digital resources for women on how can find out about life in the UK; helping refugee women to get online; Practical support to help women access everyday essentials. | https://www.redcross.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/how-we-support-refugees/digital-empowerment-of-refugee-women#Films |
Befriending for refugees | Bridges for communities Bristol | This organisation connects people of different cultures and faiths, enabling them to build friendships and grow in their understanding of one another. | https://www.bridgesforcommunities.com/ |
Befriending refugees in different areas in the UK | Host nation connecting refugees with host communities | Matching friends across Greater London and in the North-East and recruiting befrienders in Newcastle, Gateshead and Manchester. | https://www.hostnation.org.uk/ |
Religion and Spirituality | Lymm.UK | Information with links with some Ukrainian Churches in the UK. | https://lymm.uk/ukraine-church |
Connecting Families training manual | Learning unlimited | Manual designed to combat the loneliness experienced by socially isolated families, the project trained 40 volunteer parents and migrant women to engage and support these families through a rich and varied programme of family learning workshops with follow-up one-to-one/small group support and signposting. | Connecting-Families-Manual.pdf (learningunlimited.co) |
Sports | Better Leisure Centres | Better leisure centres, sports facilities, pools and gyms across the UK have launched a new initiative that offers Ukrainian refugees a free Better Health Centre membership or a lesson or course membership, for a fixed three-month period. | https://www.better.org.uk/news/new-scheme-sees-better-welcome-ukrainian-refugees |
Music | Pianoman | The charity pianoman offers a number of scholarships to young Ukrainian people fleeing the war so they can continue playing the piano in the UK. It provides free piano tuition with world-class concert pianists, travel expenses (within the UK) and further assistance. Applicants must be aged between 11 and 17 and have achieved a proficiency level of grade 5 or higher. | http://www.pianomanscholarships.co.uk/ |
Art workshops | Canterbury Welcomes Refugees and Canterbury City Council | Art workshops for refugees. | https://www.instagram.com/proliferatearts/ |
Cookery and English lessons | Bomoko | The Northern Ireland Refugees and Asylum Seekers Women’s Association runs English lessons and cookery demonstrations online. | https://www.instagram.com/bomokoni/?hl=en |
Online Yoga for refugees | Tools for inner peace | The aim of the organisation is to Empower refugees and conflict survivors to manage their own healing and wellbeing with tools from yoga. | https://tools4innerpeace.org/ |
Empower activities for refugee women | Refugee women | Yoga, Drama and empowerment courses. | https://www.refugeewomen.co.uk/empower/our-activities-to-empower-refugee-women/ |
A charity supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTQI) refugees and asylum seekers | Micro rainbow | This organisation runs social and wellbeing activities online; from mindfulness workshops to drawing classes, as well as more formal advice sessions. | https://microrainbow.org/ |
Socialising with the local community | The Walk & Talk Project | The Walk & Talk Project is a 3-year project starting in 2020, which targets socially isolated migrant families and residents in Lambeth and Southwark. | https://www.learningunlimited.co/projects/walk-talk/ |
Private renting | SHELTER | Advice on finding a home with a private landlord, rent and costs, tenancy agreement, disputes and end of tenancy. | https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice /private_renting |
Renting without deposit or rent in advance | SHELTER | Options for individuals who are looking to rent but cannot afford a deposit or rent in advance. | https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_ advice/private_renting /rent_deposit_bond_and_guarantee_schemes |
Find a landlord who accepts benefits | SHELTER | Information on how to find a landlord who accepts benefits. | https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_ advice/private_renting /how_to_find_landlords_who_accept_benefits |
Rent a property in England | UK Government | Guidance on how to rent a property in England. | https://www.gov.uk/government /publications/how-to-rent |
End of the Sponsorship | Welsh Government | Information for sponsors. | https://gov.wales/homes-ukraine-guidance-sponsors-html#:~:text=Sponsors%20are%20committed%20to% 20hosting,after%20arrival%20in%20the%20UK. |
Rent a property in Wales | Welsh Government | Information on renting a property in Wales. | https://rentsmart.gov.wales/en/tenant/ |
End of Sponsorship – Community Sponsorship | Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative | Online learning course on preparing for the end of the community sponsorship period. | https://training.refugeesponsorship.org/courses /end-of-sponsorship |
Leaving a host’s house | Refugees at Home | Resources for hosts and guests on what happens when leaving the host’s house. | https://www.refugeesathome.org/guest-resources/ |
End of Sponsorship – Considerations | N/A | Some key information for sponsors and guests to make decisions at the end of the sponsorship. Information can help guests to find their own accommodation. | https://drive.google.com/file/d/17u_osSt4E2x-M3WZ5rZzOKHcmrUeireB/view?fbclid=IwAR1MxJ7t0PRymKarQibsOGP1-zQxnZM09ujXGSoCc9KjHZHBb_YchIrOZ2g&fs=e&s=cl |
Travelling from the UK | Home Office | Advice on travelling internationally with BRP. | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications /immigration-information-for-ukrainians-in- the-uk-your-next-steps/immigration-information -for-ukrainians-next-steps-after-arriving-in-the-uk-accessibleversion#:~:text=You%20should%20always %20carry%20your,or%20before%2031%20December%202024. |
Guidance for councils in England | Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities | Official guidance outlining the role of councils across England in supporting the scheme. | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homes-for- ukraine-guidance-for-councils?utm_campaign =govuk-notifications-topic&utm_content=immediately&utm_ medium=email&utm_source=684a1c3a-5fdf-4e53-b9a2 -75bcaa99d197#role-of-councils |
Guidance for councils in Wales | Welsh Government | Official guidance providing information for local authorities on their roles in the delivery the scheme in Wales. | https://gov.wales/homes-ukraine- guidance-local-authorities-html |
Guidance for councils in Scotland | Scottish Government | Official guidance outlining the role of local authorities in Scotland under the scheme. | https://www.gov.scot/publications/super-sponsor -scheme-and-homes-for-ukraine-guidance- for-local-authorities/ |
Welcome Hubs in Somerset County Council | CHARIS & Somerset County Council | CHARIS & Somerset County Council are developing some welcome hubs to support sponsors and Ukrainian guests in Somerset in accessing services, managing their relationship, and providing opportunities for volunteers to assist displaced people in the area. | https://charisrefugees.org/welcome-hubs |
Working with others | RESET | Information about the role of local authorities in the scheme and advice for hosts on how to approach local authorities and what to expect from the vetting process. | https://resetuk.org/toolkits/homes- for-ukraine/working-with-others |
Gloucestershire Homes for Ukraine sponsor guide | Gloucestershire County Council | Guidance for sponsors in Gloucestershire. | https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/your-community/ukrainian-support/gloucestershire-homes-for-ukraine-sponsor-guide/ |
Mental health and wellbeing support for refugees and asylum seekers in Yorkshire and Humber region | SOLACE | Free access to e-learning training for supporting asylum seekers’ wellbeing, in-house training for organisations, advice for Home for Ukraine Scheme Hosts. | https://www.solace-uk.org.uk/training |
Helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Berkshire | Refugee Support Group | Resources and Information for Ukrainian Refugees in Berkshire | https://refugeesupportgroup.org.uk /ukraine-support/ |
Information pack | East Sussex County Council | Information for hosts and sponsored Ukrainians | https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/community /supporting-refugees/ukraine/hosting/hosting-refugees |
Supporting people arriving from Ukraine | Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | Information and guidance for hosts and Ukrainians | https://www.stockport.gov.uk/topic/supporting -people-arriving-from-ukraine |
Information for council | Local Government Association | Information for council on how to support Ukraine arrivals, including Government schemes. The page will provide further information for council, including available funding. | https://www.local.gov.uk/topics/communities /refugees-and-asylum-seekers/ukraine-council- information/ukraine-support-new |
Help for Ukraine | Cornwall Council | Information about the available schemes for Ukrainians and support available for guests. | https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/people-and -communities/support-for-ukraine-host- families-and-sponsors/help-for-ukraine/ |
Support for hosts | Kent County Council | Provides information and advice for Homes for Ukraine’s hosts. | https://www.kent.gov.uk/leisure-and-community /support-for-ukrainian-nationals/support-for-hosts |
Advice for Home for Ukraine | Newark & Sherwood District Council | Information on the scheme and questions & answers for sponsors. | https://www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/health -and-wellbeing/advice-for-residents/homes-for-ukraine/ |
Advice for Home for Ukraine | Harrow Council | Information on how to become a sponsors and frequently asked questions for sponsors. | https://www.harrow.gov.uk/housing- property/homes-ukraine |
Malvern Hills guide – Homes for Ukraine | Malvern Hills District | Information for Ukrainian guests and sponsors to settle in Malvern. | https://www.malvernhills.gov.uk/community /support-for-ukraine/homes-for-ukraine- scheme-in-malvern/welcome-to-malvern-hills-guide |
Support for sponsors | Lancashire County Council | Information for sponsors, including webinars and local authority’s numbers for guests at risk of destitution. | https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/council /ukraine/support-for-sponsors/ |
Support for sponsors | Bridport Town Council | Questions and answers for sponsors. | https://www.bridport-tc.gov.uk/homes- for-ukraine-frequently-asked-questions/ |
Information on how to help Ukrainians | Cambridgeshire County Council | Information about Home for Ukraine, frequently asked questions, support available for Ukrainians and how to apply for a school place for a Ukrainian child. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/council /communities-localism/support-for-the-people -of-ukraine |
Welcome pack for Ukrainians arriving in Kent | Kent County Council | Essential information for Ukrainians arriving in Kent under the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme. | https://www.tmbc.gov.uk/downloads/file /2082/welcome-to-kent-tonbridge-and-malling-version Ukrainian version: https://www.tmbc.gov.uk/downloads/file/2100/- Russian version: https://www.tmbc.gov.uk/downloads/file/2106 /welcome-to-kent-russian-version |
Guidance for sponsors | Hampshire County Council | Information for people in sponsoring Ukrainians. | https://www.hants.gov.uk/ukraine/sponsors |
Welcome pack for Ukrainians arriving in Wychavon | Wychavon District Council | Essential information for Ukrainians arriving in Wychavon under the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme. | https://www.wychavon.gov.uk/community- and-living/support-for-ukraine/homes-for- ukraine-scheme-in-wychavon/welcome-to-wychavon-guide |
How to support Ukraine in Northumberland | Northumberland County Council | General information about the scheme and support available for Ukrainians and their hosts in Northumberland. | https://www.northumberland.gov.uk/About /Supporting-Ukraine.aspx |
Support for Ukraine | Wiltshire Council | The page included a welcome pack for Ukrainians in Wiltshire, frequently asked questions for sponsors, key information links, available community support, and information on how to stay safe and who to contact if you have concerns. | https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/6167 /Wiltshire-stands-with-Ukraine |
Support for potential sponsors | Brighton & Hove City Council | Information for potential sponsors regarding housing. | https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk /planning/update/homes-ukraine |
Guidance for councils | North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership | Guidance on the role of councils across England in supporting the scheme. | https://northwestrsmp.org.uk/resources /ukraine-2/homes-for-ukraine-guidance -for-councils/ |
Support for sponsors and guests | Elmbridge Borough Council | General information and locally available services and opportunities for Ukrainians and guests | https://www.elmbridge.gov.uk/supporting -ukraine-hosts-and-guests/ |
Information for council tenants who would like to sponsor Ukrainians | Dacorum Borough Council | Information for council tenants on how to offer a place for Ukrainians and find a guest. | https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/housing /current-tenant/homes-for-ukraine |
Support for sponsors and guests in Hertfordshire | Hertfordshire County Council | General information about the scheme, advice and guidance for sponsors and guests, including a welcome pack for Ukrainians in Hertfordshire. | https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/about- the-council/news/ukraine-support/ukraine -support-in-hertfordshire.aspx |
Information for sponsors | Essex County Council | Information for sponsors on how to apply and help guests in settling in Essex. | https://www.essex.gov.uk/information- for-sponsors-welcoming-a-ukrainian-person-or-family |
Information for sponsors | North Norfolk District Council | General information about the scheme and frequently asked questions for sponsors. | https://www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/tasks /housing-services/homes-for-ukraine-scheme -in-north-norfolk/ |
Information for sponsors and guests | East Hampshire District Council | Information for sponsors on how to apply and available local support for guests and hosts. | https://www.easthants.gov.uk/support-ukraine |
Support for Ukrainians | Aberdeen City Council | Welcome pack, questions and answers, national and local information for Ukrainians. | https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services /people-and-communities/support-ukrainians |
Privacy notice | Surrey Heath Borough Council | Information on how personal data are used in relation to the scheme. | https://www.surreyheath.gov.uk/how-we- use-your-data/homes-ukraine-scheme-privacy-notice |
Homes for Ukraine- FAQ | Cambridge City Council | Privacy notice, information on the role of the council, and frequently asked questions for potential and current sponsors and guests. | https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/homes-for-ukraine-faq |
Support for Ukrainians | Warwick District Council | General information about the scheme for sponsors. | https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/info/20599 /community_and_social_issues/1786/support_for_ukraine |
Privacy notice | Lincolnshire County Council | Information on what personal data are collected and how they are used in relation to the scheme. | https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/directory- record/69717/homes-for-ukraine-sponsorship-scheme |
Information Sheet for Sponsor and Landlord Consent Form | Newham London | Information for potential sponsors on the housing checks needed for participating in the scheme. | https://www.newham.gov.uk/downloads /file/4499/information-sheet-for-sponsors -and-landlord-consent-form-homes-for-ukraine- |
Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme | Birmingham City Council | National and local information for sponsors and guests. | https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50276 /ukraine_sponsorship_scheme_homes_for_ukraine |
Support for guests and sponsors | Worcestershire County Council | National and local information for potential and current sponsors and guests, available resources and activities. | https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20953 /information_for_residents_concerned_about_ the_situation_in_ukraine |
Help and support | Waltham Forest | General information about the scheme, available support for sponsors and guests. | https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk /families-young-people-and-children /help-and-support-during-ukraine-crisis |
Ukraine Support | Maldon District Council | Information about the scheme, useful links and resources, and a local support group list. | https://www.maldon.gov.uk/info/20080 /your_community/9985/ukraine_support |
Support for guests and sponsors | Coventry City Council | Information for potential sponsors and guests, answered questions, and a list of local activities. | https://www.coventry.gov.uk/welcoming -ukrainian-guests-coventry/homes-ukraine- guide-sponsors-ukrainian-arrivals-coventry |
Support for people of Ukraine | Reading Borough Council | Information for Ukrainians and wellbeing and support. | https://www.reading.gov.uk/ukraine/ |
Supporting Ukrainians | Lewisham Council | General information about the scheme. | https://lewisham.gov.uk/mayorandcouncil /community-support/refugees/homes-for-ukraine |
Shropshire Supports Refugees Resources | Shropshire Council | A database of useful link for guests and hosts. | https://padlet.com/Shropshire_Supports_ Refugees1/p4nak4grcxex2wnm |
Support and information | Hart District Council | National and local resources for sponsors and guests. | https://www.hart.gov.uk/the-council /news/ukraine-conflict-support-and-information |
Support for Ukraine | Winchester City Council | National and local resources for sponsors and guests. | https://www.winchester.gov.uk/no-listing /winchester-city-council-pledge-support-for-ukraine |
Guide for potential hosts | City of Wolverhampton | Information on how to become a host and what to consider, and useful links. | https://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk /community/support-communities /homes-for-ukraine-information |
Support for Ukraine | City of Stoke-on-Trent | General information and frequently asked questions about the scheme, resources for Ukrainians and support for potential sponsors. | https://www.stoke.gov.uk/info/20003 /your_council_your_city/513/support_for_ukraine |
Home for Ukraine | Selfon Council | Information about the scheme, a welcome pack to settled in Sefton, available services and information on how to report abuse (in Russian and Ukrainian language). | https://www.sefton.gov.uk/advice-benefits /homes-for-ukraine/ |
Supporting Ukraine | Cardiff Council | Guidance for Ukrainian nationals and sponsors. | https://www.cardiff.gov.uk/ENG/resident /supporting-ukraine/Pages/default.aspx |
Support for Ukraine | Sheffield City Council | Guidance and resources for Ukrainian nationals and sponsors. | https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home /your-city-council/support-for-ukraine |
Homes for Ukraine | Monmouthshire County Council | Guidance and resources for Ukrainian nationals and sponsors. | https://www.monmouthshire.gov.uk /homes-for-ukraine/ |
How residents can help | Neath Port Talbot Council | General information and links for Homes for Ukraine | https://www.npt.gov.uk/32759 |
Ukrainian Refugee Sponsorship Scheme FAQs | Wakefield Council | Frequently asked questions for potential sponsors and useful links. | https://www.wakefield.gov.uk/community /ukrainian-refugee-sponsorship-scheme-faqs |
Support for Ukraine | Durham County Council | General information about the scheme and how to become a sponsor | https://www.durham.gov.uk/article/27171 /Support-for-Ukraine |
Support for people and families from Ukraine | Angus Council | Support and guidance on services such as housing, health, social care, welfare benefits and schools; external resources and locally available activities. | https://www.angus.gov.uk/ukraine /support_for_people_and_families_from_ukraine |
Ukraine Crisis | Torfaen County Borough Council | General information about the scheme, and health information for guests and hosts. | https://www.torfaen.gov.uk/en/AboutTheCouncil /Ukraine-Crisis/Ukraine-Crisis.aspx |
Support for Ukraine | Oxford City Council | Brief information about the scheme and guidance for Ukrainians. | https://www.oxford.gov.uk/info/20007 /communities/1514/support_for_ukraine |
Support for Ukraine | Dumfries and Galloway Council | Information for hosts and guests. | https://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/24680 /Support-for-Ukraine |
Help for Ukraine | West Lothian Council | Useful links for hosts and guests. | https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/help-for-ukraine |
Support for Ukraine | East Cambridgeshire District Council | National and local resources for hosts and guests. | https://www.eastcambs.gov.uk/housing/i-am-guest-ukrainehttps://www.eastcambs.gov.uk/housing/homes-ukraine-hosts |
Support for Ukraine | Cannock Chase District Council and Staffordshire County Council | Frequently asked questions and useful links for sponsors and guests | https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Ukraine.aspx |
Support for Ukraine | Community First Yorkshire | General information, resources and links. | https://www.communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk /support-for-ukraine/ |
Ukraine respons | Bury Council | General information on the scheme and the role of council. | https://www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx ?articleid=16803 |
Homes for Ukraine scheme | Lambeth | Information for sponsors and guests staying in Lambeth. | https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/housing /homes-ukraine-scheme |
Support for Ukrainian nationals | Maidstone Borough Council | Welcome guide with information about Kent and the UK. | https://maidstone.gov.uk/home/primary-services /community-support/tier-2-primary-areas /help-for-ukraine/support-for-ukrainian-nationals |
Information for council officers | Leicestershire Country Council | Information about housing checks. | https://resources.leicestershire.gov.uk /adult-social-care-and-health/working-with -the-council/homes-for-ukraine-information -for-council-officers |
Homes for Ukraine | North Northamptonshire Council | Information for potential and current sponsors and hosts, including available local resources for wellbeing, health, learning and support, employment and school place. Information is available also in Ukrainian. | https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/ukraine /homes-ukraine-sponsor-someone |
Support for Ukrainian Nationals | Surrey County Council | Information and services, including social care and school place guidance in Surrey, temporary bus pass scheme, supporting groups and events. | https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/community /housing/support-for-ukrainian-nationals |
Help and Support for Ukraine | Bassetlaw District Council | Useful links, a welcome booklet for Ukrainians arriving in Bassetlaw and FAQs for sponsors. | https://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/help- and-support-for-ukraine/ |
Help for Ukrainians and Sponsors | Warwickshire County Council | Information for Ukrainians and Sponsors, welcome pack to live in Warwickshire, resources and links. | https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ukraine-2 |
VI.1 England
VI.2 Scotland
Group Name | Location | Link |
Homes from Ukraine Scotland | Scotland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/274969878134691 |
Scotland for Ukraine | Scotland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1304750543340743 |
Help Ukraine Scotland Edinburgh | Edinburgh | https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpukrainescotland |
Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine in Glasgow | Glasgow | https://www.facebook.com/groups/humanitarianforukraine |
Scotland Ukraine Host Support Group | Scotland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/scothosts |
Scotland United for Ukraine | Scotland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/355759786410676 |
Homes for Ukraine-Dundee and Angus Scotland | Dundee and Angus | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1017891425811608 |
Ukraine/Scotland Society of the Turks and Caicos Islands | Turks and Caicos | https://www.facebook.com/groups/172230053125547 |
Help Ukraine Scotland Lanarkshire | Lanarkshire | https://www.facebook.com/groups/536287881143491 |
Scotland for Ukraine 2 | Scotland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/622740575493086 |
VI.3 Wales
Group Name | Location | Link |
Ukrainians in Wales | Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/673777469349273 |
Ukraine and Wales | Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1645859615625551 |
Voice of Ukraine Wales | Wales | https://www.facebook.com/ukraine.wales |
Cardiff for Ukraine | Cardiff | https://www.facebook.com/groups/509119647453752 |
Wales supports Ukraine | Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1962549353930110 |
South Wales Sponsorship for Ukraine | South Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/5332586236786724 |
Accommodation or transportation in Wales for Ukrainian refugees | Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/668561291051718 |
Homes for Ukraine Scheme North Wales | North Wales | https://www.facebook.com/groups/343415824394888 |
VI.4 Northern Ireland
Group Name | Location | Link |
Northern Ireland Aid for Ukraine 2 | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/4945230638896969 |
Northern Ireland Aid for Ukraine 2 | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/481297420285900 |
Ukraine:How to help and where to donate in NI | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893930234139639 |
Medical Aid Ukraine | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/263999672562948 |
Help for Ukraine NI | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpforukraineni |
Ukraine Northern Irelan parkrun meetup | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1470149963388313 |
Refugees Welcome in Northern Ireland | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/groups/refugees.welcome.in.NI |
Ukrainians in Northern Ireland Community Group | Northern Ireland | https://www.facebook.com/UKRAINIANSinNI |